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Asked by Priyanka Last Modified
Hi Priyanka ,great to know that you want to work on your anxiety.The problem known is half solution.
Pranayama and relaxation technique are very helpful which you can implement daily.
If you are beginner would request to have an expert to guide you.
It's a busy life, but we can live to the fullest when we are healthy. Make sometime for yourself it may be challenging but worthy on the long run.
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there are so many yogic practices for anxiety asans like (shavasans, shashankasan, surya namskar, pragya yoga, paschimmotasana, marjari asana, padhastasana) and pranayama like(sheetli/sheetkari prnayama, nadishodhan, bramhri pranayama are beneficial, regular practice of yoga nidra may completely cure the anxiety, accupressure, pranic healing, music therapy(raag todi , raag bhim palas, raag darbari, and raag poorvi are beneficial, also change your diet more fiber and minrels and avoid the junk food ....for treatment and any other enquiry you can hire me
read lessSubhash Petwal
Request you to spare time for sessions, maybe once or twice a week. This will help you understand your body and mind better. And then with the help of instructor you can create a sequence for yourself. As such if you just wish to get rid of anxiety then you must try doing Yog Nidra which is the ancient yogic method of deep relaxation. Google to know more. Hope this helps.
read lessYoga is best for stress reducer.Yoga includes Asanas,Pranayam,meditation etc.Balasana,Pacchimotanasana ,setubandasana and Surya namaskar are very important.Amulom Vilom,Bramhari,Omkar and ujjai pranayam, Shavasana and meditation for 5 to 10 minutes are very important.If you quiet new,then you must learn under yoga teacher's guidence.
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