- Take the diagnostic test: Find out where you stand and how you need to prepare by taking a complete diagnostic test without any preparation. This will help you to plan the time and schedule required to crack the GRE. Usually 3-6 months would suffice.
- Be very clear of the GRE format: Before starting the preparation, be absolutely certain on what is needed to study and how you plan to finish the same. Be up to date with the pattern and prepare only those topics fully.
- Refer to official guide: There are many resources available for GRE preparation. But referring to the official guide is a must. Keep this as a base over which you can practice questions from various other books and software. Official guide gives correct information about the question pattern and the topics for preparation.
- Attempt questions in random order within a section: This is especially true for verbal section. Answer the longer reading comprehension first or last based on your strategy. This helps save time and is more productive than answering questions one by one sequentially.
- Do not take the Quantitative section lightly: Practice quantitative section completely and revise the tougher concepts frequently. Some candidates pay less attention to practicing the problems and this affects the final score greatly. Even though the concepts seem familiar, practicing each and every problem ensures accuracy and boosts confidence. By just looking through the formulas, candidates put themselves under risk on the final day. Also, the quantitative section is presented with tougher questions in the recent GREs.
- Do not use fancy words for GRE essay: The topics can vary, but a good essay does not necessarily mean one with complicated or fancy words. The exam tests the clarity of the argument which the candidate is trying to present. Hence, the idea which the candidate presents is more important.
- Take complete mock tests - There Is no shortcut to practice: Many candidates skip the essay section while taking the mock tests. Taking the complete test provides the candidates a fair idea of how it is to sit for the entire examination. It also helps the candidates manage their time and thoughts better.
- Read on variety of topics, regularly: Be it blogs or newspapers or articles on the internet, reading is a very important habit that has to be developed for a good score in GRE. Reading regularly introduces new words, improves concentration, and gives knowledge and ideas for essay writing. Helps in identifying grammatical errors as well. Read a lot. Read regularly and see the benefits.
- Use the breaks provided in the exam: GRE exam is not only mentally taxing but also physically tiring because of the number of hours a candidate is required to concentrate. Take the one minute and ten minute breaks provided during the exam and resume again with improved concentration.
- Relax the day before: The day before the exam, do not study. Listen to calming music and do any relaxing activity. Many candidates try to cram up with last minute studies, this only has reverse effects. Get sufficient sleep, it is critical.