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GRE is conducted in more than 1000+ test centres over 160 countries. There are several options when it comes to selecting the best GRE date. The computer-based GRE test is offered throughout the year at Prometric test centres. You can take the GRE test once every 21 days, up to five times within a 12-month period. This applies even if you have cancelled your scores on a previous test.
Since there is no particular date for taking GRE, check the availability of your preferred test centre, date and time slot while registering for the test. Tests are scheduled on first come first serve basis, so make sure you take it well in advance before universities start with their admission process; else you might be denied admit to your choice of university for that year. Especially the time from September to December is quite busy for test takers as well as test centres.
Published on 2018-09-24 14:38:04 by vatsa. Last Modified on 2018-09-24 14:38:04
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