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The first step towards a good GRE score is to have the right set of books and study materials. While study materials can be gathered from your mentor, a nearby tutorial or a college senior, books are to be purchased. As editions to books keep on updating, its recommended to buy a fresh set of books for the GRE exam preparation. GRE books are available online, you can even visit your nearest academic bookstore to get the following books.
This list of GRE books is elementary and very necessary during the preparatory stage.
This guidebook helps GRE candidates to boost their preparation for the vocabulary section. On getting the book, do not miss the 73-word quiz attached along.
This comes with a set of 600 practice questions that will boost your GRE preparation. The book also includes study tips, exam papers and exam strategies that students can refer to.
This book aims to help GRE aspirants in the vocabulary part. The book has 500+ words, a handy aid to strengthen one’s English vocabulary. The paperback version of the book is available in Amazon.
The book is a guide for both vocabulary and reasoning section. With 380 examples and illustrations, the author has written an elaborate guidebook for GRE candidates. The book is presently available on the official website of Amazon.
GRE students tend to fetch for books that can brush their English vocabulary knowledge. Here is the first option of book you have in hand, that can add over a thousand words in your English stock of words and as well as prepare you for GRE.
If you have not still got an ideal GRE math guidebook, then this one by Madore and Freeing is a good pick. The book elaborates on essential maths based chapters like numbers, number theory, algebra and data. It also includes sample questionnaires with solution papers to help you prepare in advance for the GRE math section.
If you are yet to decide your mathematics guidebook for GRE, then this one published by Princeton Review is a good selection. Calculus, algebra, arithmetic and numbers are all discussed in the book in distinct sections for better understanding for the students. Once over with the preparatory stage, do not miss the practice paper attached at the back of this book.
This book from Princeton Review especially for those who take up the GRE subject specific psychology test. The book is an ideal guide with chapter illustrations, practice questions and study tips from the author.
To put a strong base to your GRE preparation, pick this book that provides students to have an overall idea about the test structure, scoring pattern, subject reviews along with practice test. The book covers all sections of GRE and should be browsed from the initial stage of GRE preparation.
When applying for the GRE, it’s important to know about its basics and facts. If you are wondering where to get authentic information about GRE, then this is one of the books that you can pick.
This book covers the vocabulary section of the GRE from edge to edge in less than 300 pages. While preparing for the GRE verbal section, keeping this book handy helps to prepare intense and deep. Try to complete the 150 vocabulary question bank added to this book for a good knowledge about GRE vocabulary.
Two separate books in the series focus on eight different areas of study like algebra, fractions-decimals and percentage, geometry, number properties, word problems, text completion & sentence equivalence, reading comprehension & essay and quantitative comparisons & data interpretation. When using this book as a reference try to put equal weight to each of them, instead of covering one and opting for the other.
Ask any GRE alumnus, they undoubtedly used this book. Quite old by now, you can get its 21st edition to boost your GRE preparation. The book covers all three sections of GRE and is aims to serve all fundamental doubts of GRE candidates. Do not miss the GRE test tips listed in this book.
Only two sections of the GRE are covered in this book – vocabulary and writing. However, the coverage of each chapter is deep, which makes the book a mandatory aid during GRE preparation. Use the test banks compiled in the book to add a base to your GRE preparation.
Often getting GRE test papers is tough because of the online procedures and high-end cost. As a remedy, get a copy of this book published by the New Age International Publishers to browse and solve 6-test papers attached.
In this paperback by Galgotia publications, two sample GRE papers are solved and explained thoroughly. Play the CD provided along with the book, and you will readily understand the tricks to crack GRE. Also, the master word list in this books helps GRE applicants brush their stock of words.
This book is published by the Wiley India Pvt. Ltd. for GRE applicants with tasks and assignments that are fun to do yet learning at the same time. The book has 45 fun to do exercise which aces the vocabulary of GRE applicants. Try to crack the practice papers of the book all by yourself, for a solid preparation before the final day of GRE.
This one is a collection of six advanced GRE questionnaires that you can solve to get a hint about the final day of the exam. Set time and try to complete in that span for the full benefit of the book. The tests are quite tricky and require focus to solve correctly.
If you are worried about the verbal section of the GRE, then this book is a must buy. It has simple tips and smart practice questions that will help you well verse the verbal section. Buy the book before the final exam for complete utility.
This book is an ideal pick for all GRE applicants. It only covers the English based questions of GRE systemically to enable students to learn with ease. The book is presently available in Snapdeal.
Published on 2018-09-24 14:41:59 by vatsa. Last Modified on 2018-09-24 14:41:59
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