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There’s no specific eligibility criteria for GRE. Anyone who is interested in pursuing a graduate program from a reputed business school irrespective of one’s nationality, age, caste or creed can take up the GRE exam. Since GRE is used for admission to graduate programmes abroad, candidates must complete their undergraduate course to take up the examination.
But before taking up the test, do check the graduate courses or programmes that you are applying to. Not all universities and institutions require GRE scores. The universities and programs that require the GRE score might have their eligibility criteria for the admission process.
Original passport is also required for the identity proof at the exam centre, so make sure you have a valid passport before you register for GRE.
Published on 2018-09-24 14:00:22 by vatsa. Last Modified on 2018-09-24 14:00:22
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