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Why blood pressure raise after doing yoga? Should BP patients avoid yoga?
Asked by Narayana S Bhat Last Modified
Selection of Yoga practices are depend on age, gender, life style, health level and combination of diseases. It is a matter of great delusion that people consider Asana as Yoga. Some people have considered only exercise as a Yoga.
Those who are suffering from high blood pressure definitely they can practice and control high blood pressure through practicing Yoga. A good yoga module can be determined only after counseling the patient, but Yoganidra, Anulom-Vilom, Bhramari, Shitali and Sitkari pranayama are very effective for high blood pressure. People can get benefit while practicing it. (don’t practice Shitali and Sitkari in cold weather)
Dr. Ram Kishore
Amrit Yogha
Blood pressure may raise only after doing contraindicated Asanas by BP patient. They should rather avoid inversion practice and some intense forward bending asanas. They can start with the breathing practices and sukshma vyayayam, followed by pranayama practices. Some of the yogic kriya will also be beneficial for BP patients. Hope this help.
Thank you.
read lessMurali Konari
Yoga Teacher
Blood Pressure May Raiseonly afte doing contraindicated asanas by B.P Patient.they should rather avid inversion practice and some intense forward bending asanas :- (1)saithalya sanaa .(2) paschimottanaasana. (3) gatyatmak paschimottana asana. (4) padaprasara paschimottana asana. (5) janu sirshsana. (6) padha stasana. (7) sirsha angustha yoga asana. they can start with the breathing practics. followed by pranayama practices. some of the yogic kriya will also be benificial for B.P Patients.
read lessIf you perform yoga Asans without being aware of your breath or not conscious about your breathing I.e. inhaling or exhaling is not done properly, or breath is retained where it has to be released or its retained forcefully, then, your heart will have to put more effort to supply oxygen to organs, Thus raising BP....That's why it's recommended that yoga should be learned under guidance of a guru.
read lessBP raises after doing any exercise. That is not just for BP patients but for everyone. This is a normal response of the body, but this is transient and will setlle on it's own. However, if your BP is high even before exercise, i.e. even when you are resting, then you need to consult a doctor and check if you need medicines to get that in control.
read lessHi.. as per yoga relaxing Asana, suksham Asana and pyanayama practice should keep the BP normal.. but yes while practicing advance, complicated, inverted yoga poses it may rise.
You should do suksham vyayam, hast mudra asana followed by pranayama..you can do mandook Asana, ardh halasna, vajrasna, yogamudra, setubandh, padmasna, gomukh Asana,
you should avoid kapalbhati and shatkarma as it put so much of pressure.Kindly avoid backward bending, jangha Shakti vikas, inverted Asana, avoid Asana lying on stomach.
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