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What must we not do in Bhakti yoga?

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Certified Yoga Teacher from Rishikesh India🕉

Spiritual greed and ego : we should avoid both, spritual greed is, try to become extraordinary, it creates restlessness and it takes us away from god, spiritual ego is, i am very big devotee Lust - lust is something we cant control, we should avoid lust at any cost, filling lustful desire creates...
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  • Spiritual greed and ego : we should avoid both, spritual greed is, try to become extraordinary, it creates restlessness and it takes us away from god, spiritual ego is, i am very big devotee
  • Lust - lust is something we cant control, we should avoid lust at any cost, filling lustful desire creates more. Greed for another desires, controlling lust cause anger and frustration, we should avoid it by keeping ourselves busy with chanting and meditation
  • Emotional dependence on people - we should avoid it because people change, they will not value your emotions, they will take you for granted and there is selfishness in their love, we should adopt the path of vairagya means loving everyone without attachment
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Yoga Instructor 15+ years of Exp.

Doubt, dishonesty, irregular routine, The company of bad people, the attitude of atheist, lack of consistency -all these things are harmful for the 'Bhakti Yog' aspirants

In Bhakti Yoga, there are certain things that practitioners should avoid in order to achieve spiritual progress. Here are some of the things that one must not do in Bhakti Yoga: Being Hypocritical: Hypocrisy is the opposite of sincerity, and Bhakti Yoga emphasizes the importance of sincerity in...
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In Bhakti Yoga, there are certain things that practitioners should avoid in order to achieve spiritual progress. Here are some of the things that one must not do in Bhakti Yoga:

  1. Being Hypocritical: Hypocrisy is the opposite of sincerity, and Bhakti Yoga emphasizes the importance of sincerity in one's spiritual practice. It is essential to be honest with oneself and with others in all aspects of life.

  2. Criticizing Others: Bhakti Yoga teaches us to cultivate love and compassion towards all beings. Criticizing or speaking negatively about others is not conducive to this goal.

  3. Material Attachment: Bhakti Yoga emphasizes the importance of detachment from material possessions and desires. One should not be attached to material things or prioritize them over spiritual progress.

  4. Engaging in Negative Activities: Activities such as violence, dishonesty, and intoxication are against the principles of Bhakti Yoga and hinder spiritual progress.

  5. Being Judgmental: Bhakti Yoga teaches us to be non-judgmental and to accept everyone as they are. One should not judge others based on their social status, religion, race, or any other criteria.

  6. Being Overly Religious: Bhakti Yoga emphasizes devotion and love towards a divine entity, but it does not require one to be overly religious or ritualistic. Practitioners should focus on cultivating a deep sense of love and devotion towards their chosen deity or guru, rather than getting caught up in external rituals and formalities.

In summary, Bhakti Yoga emphasizes the cultivation of love, compassion, and sincerity. By avoiding negative behaviors and attitudes, practitioners can progress towards spiritual growth and develop a deeper connection with the divine.


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While practicing bhakti yoga we must not loose our hope from the god always surrender yourself to the god

YogaTrainer, Artist, UX Designer Trainer

In All Yoga Marga, Specially in Bhakti Yoga we should avoid the following. Kama, Krodha, Lobha, Moha, Mada, Matsarya. - these are three enemies which will distract or create obstacles in progress of the devotees towards God. Arishadvarga are the six passions of mind or desire: Kama (lust), krodha (anger),...
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In All Yoga Marga, Specially in Bhakti Yoga we should avoid the following.

Kama, Krodha, Lobha, Moha, Mada, Matsarya. - these are three enemies which will distract or create obstacles in progress of the devotees towards God.

Arishadvarga are the six passions of mind or desire: Kama (lust), krodha (anger), Lobh (greed), moha (attachment), Mada or Ahankar (pride) and matsarya (jealousy); the negative characteristics of which prevent man from attaining Moksha or salvation


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Yoga tutor at home teaching since 20years

Bhakti yoga is path of devotion and love for God. We must not to do the following in Bhakti Yoga 1.Lack of motivation 2.Distraction and busyness. 3.Doubts and lack of faith. 4.Ego.

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