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Tell me Yoga and meditation for hypertension?

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Ashtanga Yoga Teacher,Wellness Coach and Psychologist

Asana's relating to relaxation are the key in improving the condition of hypertension. Also care must be taken to avoid any strenious forward as well as backward bending asanas because this increases the pressure on the heart.Besides a yogic management of the lifestyle ie: food, recreation, thinking...
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Asana's relating to relaxation are the key in improving the condition of hypertension. Also care must be taken to avoid any strenious forward as well as backward bending asanas because this increases the pressure on the heart.Besides a yogic management of the lifestyle ie: food, recreation, thinking process should be monitored. W read less


Yoga for hypertension in hypertesion we should not use posture or asanas are forward bending also we sholud not do such vigrous exercises spl kapalbhanti we should do asanas not carrying much strech also in between asanas take 1 min rest after every asanas, avoid surya namaskaar for some time do your...
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Yoga for hypertension in hypertesion we should not use posture or asanas are forward bending also we sholud not do such vigrous exercises spl kapalbhanti we should do asanas not carrying much strech also in between asanas take 1 min rest after every asanas, avoid surya namaskaar for some time do your posture that do not make you breathing less or fast breathing. After doing asanas one should do yoga nidra for at least 20 min for every part of body one should suggest relaxation. pranayama: one should avoid kapakbhati, bhastrika surya bhedi pranayama while you can do others mostly like sheetali, seetkari and bhramari that make you relaxed and calm, beside your diet avoid fats , cheese and oils, take green leafy vegatables. Meditation: concentrate on green color and meditated on your breath. read less

soft skill trainer, personality development trainer

Hi Anoop, pranayama is good for hypertension . Do let me know if you want to know specifically. Meditation also helps but you got to learn it in the right manner.

Mercury is the ruler and lord for astrology . Those who have strong Mercucy in their horoscope( mercury in lagna, mercury in 10th house and mercury in exalted or in its own house ) can be an expert in astrology . Mercury is exalted in the 10th house in my horoscope and my guru has 75years of experiance in horoscope yes he is 92years old now !! he has awarded from Mysore King as the best astrologer

Focus the ajna chakra for 24minutes when you meditate

Professor and Yoga traoner

The best is Shavasana for 10 to 15 minutes. Regular practice of a program of asanas with each posture at least for 30 secs without holding the breath, do shavasana for 2-3 secs in between each asans finally followed by Shavasana. If you believe in God meditate on your favourite Deity in Vajrasana or...
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The best is Shavasana for 10 to 15 minutes. Regular practice of a program of asanas with each posture at least for 30 secs without holding the breath, do shavasana for 2-3 secs in between each asans finally followed by Shavasana. If you believe in God meditate on your favourite Deity in Vajrasana or Padmasana imgining Him/Her from feet upwards. repeatedly do it Imagining the deity in between your eye brows.While doing Padmasana sit erect, adopt chin mudra, elbows close to the body and adopt bru-madhya dhrishti or nasagra dhrishti. Remeber patanjali defined Asana as: "Sthiram sikham Asanam". Do pranayama, starting with naadi shuddhi/shodana for a fewmdays, then do anauloma-viloma wirh extended Kumbhakha to the extent possible. Make sure you do Kapalabhati before Pranayama. Udiyana bandha will expand the capacity of the lungs to retain more of breath. practice will definitely ease ur tension/hypertension. read less

Yoga Pranaayaam Trainning and guidance

Start learning basic yoga do not expect miracle but do it with faith and belief you will see good results soon. Bhagawan ke ghar mein der hai andher nahin.


Hi, Just go for shashankasanana(rabbit Pose) 3 round and long breathing practice for 7-10 mnts in a day. Thanks.

Yoga Instructor

1 step asana: tadasana, Katichakrasana, markatasana, 2 step pranayama: anulom-vilom 3 step Sit quietly and watch your breath for 5 minutes 4 step lie down on back shavasana and relax whole body.

Yoga Teacher

Sukhasan Janusirsasana Shvasana Full Yogic breathing

To control hypertension first and foremost you need to learn to relax.. With regular practice of relaxation techniques like shavasana you will be able to control high blood pressure. Apart from this there are many Asanas like konasana1&2, Tadasana, utkatasana, parvatasana, sukhasana( meditative posture),...
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To control hypertension first and foremost you need to learn to relax.. With regular practice of relaxation techniques like shavasana you will be able to control high blood pressure. Apart from this there are many Asanas like konasana1&2, Tadasana, utkatasana, parvatasana, sukhasana( meditative posture), yastikasana, matsyasana can be practiced. Also pranayama plays an important role. Do abdominal breathing Pranayam, anulom vilom, brahmari, keep your diet healthy. read less

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