Do you want to become an Engineer? If your answer is YES, then plan your career right from an early age. To reach your ultimate goal, you need to take right actions at the right time, to increase your chances of success. Make your dream of becoming an IITian true in future, by taking up the right course at the right age. Students who are serious about making it to one of the IITs, enroll themselves in IIT Foundation program, to start IIT preparation in the right track. The Foundation course are for students who are in their VII -- X standard. The course prepares JEE aspirants to apply concepts to solve problems and have clarity on fundamental PCM concepts. Here are top five benefits of IIT JEE Foundation course:

Gets you in IIT Mode: Enrolling in a foundation course for IIT gets you in IIT mode at an early age. When you set your goal as high as becoming an IITian, you pull up yourself to give your best - right from the beginning. It motivates you to work harder to see your great dream come true!
Gives Clarity on PCM Concepts: Oftentimes students like you miss out on fundamental concepts in school due to lack of attention or other reasons. Getting into IIT Foundation classes gives you the opportunity to learn and clarify your doubts taught in specific class. By the time you reach 10th standard, you have all concepts cleared from 7th -- 10th standard.
Clarity on Exam Pattern: When you take up a foundation course, you get to know in advance the exam patterns, skills to develop, topics to focus, planning and much more. Getting clear picture on what the exam is going to be, gives you the advantage to prepare and get ready well ahead in time.
Mock Tests: Joining a coaching center places you in a regular class room environment where you need to attend lectures and solve test papers. Solving test papers gives you the idea of test patterns, bring awareness to your weak areas, motivates to develop speed and improve on accuracy.
Competitiveness: Starting early for IIT coaching expose you to competitive environment which inspire you to build your competitiveness. Being competitive motivates you to do better than what you did yesterday. When you work on a daily basis on improving yourself, in years you would stand in a good ground to have a competitive edge over others.
If you are looking forward for IIT JEE Foundation coaching, post your learning needs here.