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Here are the tips for IIT JEE Mains Chemistry exam:
For most IIT JEE Mains exam applicants, Chemistry is the most dreadful paper. Worry not, as we list out the the best of tips to make your IIT JEE main chemistry exam preparation an easy challenge:
Prepare revision notes
As the fat chemistry books become the biggest worry right before exam. Just take helpful portions from the books, during your preparatory days and enlist them neatly in a fair copy. So that, before the IIT JEE main exam only going through this copy and the notes you have made makes you recall everything.
Use highlighter
If there is less time in hand and you think writing is not your cup of tea, simply use a highlighter and mark all important portions in the book. Going through the highlighted portions right before the day of exam will make the entire IIT JEE main chemistry syllabus more concise and easy to read.
Solve problems
Often students spend over time in mugging formulas and definitions in IIT JEE main chemistry. Don’t follow the same track. You should focus more to apply the formulas in solving problems. Because, most of the IIT JEE main chemistry paper is comprised of problem based questions than theory.
Listen to lectures
If you attend chemistry classes for IIT JEE main exam preparation, then make sure you pay clear attention to the lectures. Many a times, simple tricks that are not written in chemistry books can be suggested by your teacher/mentor. If you are not attending tuition for IIT JEE mains exam, then there are online lectures available as well. Referring to online videos for IIT JEE main chemistry exam preparation, is a trustworthy source.
Pick right IIT chemistry books
Its important to pick good IIT chemistry books that can help in both mains and advanced exam. As the number of IIT chemistry books available is huge in number, you can discuss with your mentor or check our recommendations before purchasing your set of IIT chemistry books.
Study course
As there are only three subjects to prepare for IIT exam, its recommended that you spend equal hours for each subject everyday. If chemistry is one of your strength, then the time you spend with this subject is less and if chemistry is your weakness, then you should increase your time span to learn chemistry.
Bible book of IIT Chemistry
Of all books you read and references you follow, the bible book for a good score in IIT JEE main chemistry paper is the NCERT book. A clear understanding of the Class XII chemistry syllabus and can help you bad maximum score in the subject.
Special tip for organic chemistry
During your IIT preparatory days, try starting your study routine with chemistry. As the paper is tough and needs fresh brain, learning early in the study hours will make it easy to understand. on 2017-01-27 17:14:46 by academics. Last Modified on 2017-01-27 17:14:46
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