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What do for lose weight special tummy fats?

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Yoga Instructor

Go for straight leg lifts (lift both legs from 30 to 90 degrees) by lying on your mat n your hands under your head. This workout will sissor your tummy. be regular always

I am a Certified and experienced Yoga Teacher and a Yoga practitioner

Exercise regularly. Sit in vajrasan after meals. Plan your meals.

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Thank you for your query, weight increases very fast,but cannot reduce very fast it takes years together,as we are human beings having taste greed and all emotions which tend to make us more and more lazy ! Basic is your FOOD INTAKE my dear friend ! Start jotting one excellent timetable and a planned...
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Thank you for your query, weight increases very fast,but cannot reduce very fast it takes years together,as we are human beings having taste greed and all emotions which tend to make us more and more lazy ! Basic is your FOOD INTAKE my dear friend ! Start jotting one excellent timetable and a planned schedule of eating what and eating habits. Once you start chewing food mixed with saliva in the mouth,there itself food gets digested around 50% and rest in the stomach which controls the fat growing tendency and prepares good quality blood,muscles.In the morning eat heavily afternoon lesser and in the evening more less food intake. After controlling our food intake,plus when we exercise using pilates if you are young,or situps by engaging both the legs by leg catcher available in sports shop,no other person is required for help it is called do it yourself (DIY)When some sugarcoated food which increases weight comes in front of you take only 10% of it and engage yourself in reading books so that the extra hunger will get over. Weight loss is a mind game,,and is not all physically solved because many ladies many fat people after they leave gymnasium again become more fatter than they were previously before going to the health club. Overall exercise is inevitable like yogasanas,pranayamas like Kapalbhati,External retention,walking,running,swimming too adds a feather to your health ! Wish you all the best,if any more queries contact me and get an appointment. read less


Yogic Suksham Vyayam, Asanas, Pranayama And adopting taking of specified foods. Ll

Yoga Teacher

Exercise regularly.with yoga do navi asana and naukasana with proper care by the guidence of expert yoga teacher.

Yoga Teacher

spot reduction ya body ke kisi ek part se fat loss kar pana ek Myth hai ... agar fat loss hoga to whole body se he hoga kisi ek part se nhi ... so my dear friend you jz start exercise and have good haealthy dite ...

Yoga Teacher

therez a difference between fat loss and muscle loss .. If somebody told u tht he/she hlp u to reduce your tummy fats its totally wrong b`coz therez no sure shot formula to reduce fat from ur tummy ... top to bottom fat is jz fat. can you imagine 80kg lady with a 28 waist ...

Acupuncture Training Classes

Hello Atharv, Please find tips: 6 evidence-based ways to lose belly fat. Don't Eat Sugar… and Avoid Sugar-Sweetened Beverages Like The Plague. ... Eating More Protein May be The Best Long-Term Strategy to Reduce Belly Fat. ... Cut Carbs From Your Diet. ... Eat Foods Rich in Fiber…...
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Hello Atharv, Please find tips: 6 evidence-based ways to lose belly fat. Don't Eat Sugar… and Avoid Sugar-Sweetened Beverages Like The Plague. ... Eating More Protein May be The Best Long-Term Strategy to Reduce Belly Fat. ... Cut Carbs From Your Diet. ... Eat Foods Rich in Fiber… ... Aerobic Exercise is Very Effective at Reducing Belly Fat. read less

hi firstly its ur diet which matters a lot , it has been a myth with ppl that when going to gym we loose weight thats true but diet is the most utmost important factor if u can have that solved all will be done , best way would be cardio along with legs

Yoga Instructor/Yoga Teacher

Start your practice with Suryanamaskar. Focous on Parsvakonasan, Katichakrasan, Ardhmachendraasan, Dhanurasan, Salbhasan, Navaasan, Paschimotnasan, Marichasan and followed by 5 minutes Savasan.

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