It was a new beginning. I used to have a light workout routine and running as part of my fitness schedule. This year I wanted to take things to level next. And so I joined a gym. On day 2 my fitness...
Namaste,Fundamentally yoga happens at a very subtle level, of course, Bahir yoga influences the Antar yoga to experience the ecstasy, bliss, abundance, Unmani Avasta, Turiya etc. Yoga can address all mind...
Manage Your StressThree essential things create stress; if you can manage this, you will get good relief from anxiety. Developing understanding about these following things and overcoming it one can lead...
“Just Squat, Bro!” vs Corrective Exercise Just get under the barbell and allow the weight to sort out asymmetries and movement deficiency. Right? The big lifts themselves may be corrected...