1.Facts about drinking water
One should follow a rigorous routine of drinking water.On an average 3.5-4 litres water should be consumed every day.But other than quantity, what matters is your schedule of drinking water.
Any meal(breakfast, lunch, evening snacks, dinner) you are having any time of the day, you should drink 250 ml water before and after half hour of the meal. You can gradually increase it to one hour once you get used to it.(Eg.if you are taking lunch at noon then drink 250ml water at 11.30, i.e. half hour before the meal and at 12.30, i.e. half hour after the lunch)
In the morning, you should drink warm water with lemon juice and honey after you wake up.Drinking lemon water with honey aids in digestion and it boosts your Vitamin C level.The Vitamin C is excellent for your skin.It is immunity boosting so you would get double the profit and it helps your body break down to derive more nutrients out of it.Finally, try to drink as much water you can drink throughout the day.
2.Follow Vajrasana regime
Try to sit in Vajrasana after each meal you take.If it's not possible, then it must be followed after dinner.It is because after dinner we don’t do any physical activity, so there is no scope for digestion of food.It is not the case for breakfast and lunch, as we engage in daily chores which acts as a cause for digestion of food.
Ideally, if you can sit for 20 minutes, that will be great. At the early stage, you can also use a pillow between your legs, if it pains too much. Digestion happens real good in Vajrasana.There is also a scientific reason behind it.It is that as we sit by folding our legs, blood circulation to lower body reduces and works rapidly in the upper part of the body which itself results in faster digestion.
Other benefits are:
Sitting in this pose helps in reduction of the hips, it helps in getting rid of constipation, it helps to fight stomach disorder.In the end, a few minutes of Vajrasana and you can feel the mind-calming.

3.Try to take Small meals throughout the day.Don’t try to keep hogging on food every time.In this case, quality and quantity both matters.The quantity of food should be less.Quality of food should be high, i.e. it should be full of protein, carbs, vitamin and fats.It means every meal should cover every nutrient.Fats are not necessary for fat people is a myth.The body needs each nutrient, but it should be consumed properly.