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Post a LessonAnswered 2 days ago Learn Hatha Yoga
Chandrabhan Vithal Zarekar
Yoga tutor at home teaching since 20years
Hayha yoga is not difficult at all but for beginner should do simple practices of asanas and pranayam under guidence of certified yoga tutors.After practicing of yoga simple asanas the flexibility and strength of muscle increases.Thereafterr when one can feel relaxed and comfortable then slowly increases advance asanas.The regular practice of asanas and pranayam and meditation gives very good effect on body and mind.Suryanamskar is very important.It reduces weight and increase strength.
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Chandrabhan Vithal Zarekar
Yoga tutor at home teaching since 20years
Hatha yoga is very important and beneficial.Hathayoga improve physical and mental health and help to more relaxed and balanced.Asanas ,(postures) effect on all organs of body and mind and give internally massage.
Physical benefits-flexibility,strength,improve immunity,blood circulation,balance of body and mind,pain relief and improve postures and core strength.
Mental benefits
Stress relief,improve sleep pattern,reduce depression.
Other benefits
Improve immunity
Respiratory system improvement
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Answered 2 days ago Learn Hatha Yoga
Chandrabhan Vithal Zarekar
Yoga tutor at home teaching since 20years
Yes Hathayoga is very good for back pan.In Hathyoga certain asanas are very important for back strength and reduce pain and make flexible by twisting,,strengthening and streching asanas like kativakrasana,bhujangasana,Shalbhasana,makarasana,Tadasana Vakrasana,pavanmuktasana,Halasana, setubandasana ,marjarasana and Ustrasana and Shavasana are effective and best for improving strength of back muscles and ease pain.
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Answered 2 days ago Learn Hatha Yoga
Chandrabhan Vithal Zarekar
Yoga tutor at home teaching since 20years
Hatha yoga can be practiced at different places where there is proper ventilation fresh air and open places.You can practice yoga at yoga studio where the complete facilities available like mat and other kriya practices instruments and Katisnan,jeevan Yantra.
Yoga practice can be done gym and fitness centres where the yoga facilities available like mat,separate place for yoga time.Yoga practice can be done at open air near place of garden without Disturbances from people and at home.
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Answered 2 days ago Learn Hatha Yoga
Chandrabhan Vithal Zarekar
Yoga tutor at home teaching since 20years
Answered 2 days ago Learn Hatha Yoga
Chandrabhan Vithal Zarekar
Yoga tutor at home teaching since 20years
Arhatic yoga and hatha yoga differences
Arhatic yoga mainly focuss on meditation and spiritual development and
through practice aimed at activating soul energy whereas Hathayoga emphasizes on physical practices involves postures which improve flexibility,strength and energy and pranayam for improvement of respiratory system,breath control and reduce of stress level of body and mind.Meditation for strong mind and confidence and mind power through mindfulness meditation but it focus less on spiritual practices than Arhatic yoga.
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Answered 2 days ago Learn Hatha Yoga
Chandrabhan Vithal Zarekar
Yoga tutor at home teaching since 20years
Pros means flexibility and strength which is ancillary.It hesl you from inside.The Suryanamskar reduce weight and keep body and relaxed.
Cons means no free lunch.One must spend time for practice yoga asanas ,and pranayama.and practice must be done under certified yoga Tutor.
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Chandrabhan Vithal Zarekar
Yoga tutor at home teaching since 20years
Yoga is an union of body,mind and soul.The word yoga derived from Sanskrit word yuj which means to join and to unite.Yoga is practice that combines physical postures,breathing exercises and meditation to improve health and well beings.Yoga is originated in ancient India as spiritual practice.
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Answered 2 days ago Learn Hatha Yoga
Chandrabhan Vithal Zarekar
Yoga tutor at home teaching since 20years
Isha Hatha yoga teaches 21 basic asanas out of 84 asanas.
As per Isha yoga programme the purpose of teaching 21 asanas are some asanas are prepatory and others are tools for transformation and first quarter asanas prepares the system.and the full 84 asanas are to much for the beginners to start.
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Answered 2 days ago Learn Hatha Yoga
Chandrabhan Vithal Zarekar
Yoga tutor at home teaching since 20years
The basic principles of Hatha yoga are as under.
1.Asanas- Physical postures for flexibility,strength and stability.
2. Pranayama- For breathing control,improvement of immunity and respiratory system function and make mind calm,relax and stressfree.
3.Meditation and relaxtion - Improve Mind power by focussing attention at particular object.It improve positiveness of mind and increase confidence.
Dharana -bringing mind at single point
Dhyana- observing self
Pratyahara.-withdrawing from external stimuli to focus on breath and senses.
Balance - harmonizing sun and moon energies.Foster inner hormony and
Promote equilibrium.
Awareness and mindfulness-Being present and attuned to body's response
Cultivate mental clarity and emotional stability.
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