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What are some yoga steps that should be done daily?

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Yoga tutor at home teaching since 20years

Yoga is very important for body ,mind and emotional level.One can must practice Asanas Pranayam and meditation in his daily practice.Some important asanas like pavanmuktasana Halasana,Sarvangasana,setubhandasana, Bhujangasana Dhanurasana ,Gomukhasana bramhmudra must do every day keeping flexible and...
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Yoga is very important for body ,mind and emotional level.One can must practice Asanas  Pranayam and meditation in his daily practice.Some important asanas like pavanmuktasana Halasana,Sarvangasana,setubhandasana, Bhujangasana Dhanurasana ,Gomukhasana bramhmudra must do every day keeping flexible and strong and fit.Pranayama like Anulom Vilom Ujjai,kapalbhati and omkar bramari must be included to remain tension free and calmness of mind.surya namskar is also very important and include in daily practice.punctulity is very essential.


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Expert training in all field

0440 hours wake up call 0500 hours state top bottom exercises 15 minutes runing 20 min stretching 0600 hours tratak, Sun Gazing 0608 tadasana vrikshasanaardh chakrasanauttanpadasana sarvangasana halasana ustrasana supt vajrasana dhanurasana Bhujangasana setukasana chakrasana supt pavanmuktasana shirshasana...
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0440 hours wake up call
0500 hours state top bottom exercises
15 minutes runing
20 min stretching
0600 hours tratak, Sun Gazing
0608 tadasana
ardh chakrasana
 supt vajrasana
supt pavanmuktasana
Ardha Matsyendrasana
mul bandh
uddiyana bandh
 jalandhara bandh
shitali pranayam
Sitkari pranayam
Nadi sudhi pranayam
Omkar chanting

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Qualified (PGDip in YOGA & DNHE) YOGA trainer with more than two decades experience

Tatking sathvic food,some discipline in work,time concious,keeping mind pleasant and balanced.Take bath before sunrise. By 5 am start yoga practice for 45 minutes to 1 hour in the follwing way-Warming up excercise,Surya namaskar, Asanas,Pranayama,Meditation minv up

Yoga for women, face and eyes yoga. 20 years of experience.

First 7 steps should be practice 24/7: Yoga, niyama, asana, pranayama, pratyahar,dharana, dhyana and last one later samadhi ;)

Yoga Teacher

Basic joints movment and Surya namaskar

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