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Best Yoga and Pranayaama for Hypertension and BP?

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Meditation Suryanamaskara Bhujangasana Kapalbhti Breathing Techniue


Padmasana, Bazrasana and Anulom Vilom is best for high bp, You can also try bhramari or meditation.

Yoga Champion

Surya namaskar Anulom Vilom praPranay Bhramari praPranay Omkar japa And for BP Deep Breathing

1. Start with Omkar, Bramari, Pranayama (Anulom Vilom), Meditation, Basic Yoga asanas, Diet plan, lifestyle 2. After getting use to it add more to the practice * all under expert guidance * based on the serverity of BP / health issues and Doctor opinon

Yoga Trainer

Pranayaama for hypertension is Anulom Vilom, omgeet, Bhramari. Depending on you capability it can vary from 2 mins to 5 mins initially. You can do Kapalbahti but under guidance as that can help your bp and hypertension both, but doing it over, or incorrect way may lead to problems as you have high BP....
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Pranayaama for hypertension is Anulom Vilom, omgeet, Bhramari. Depending on you capability it can vary from 2 mins to 5 mins initially. You can do Kapalbahti but under guidance as that can help your bp and hypertension both, but doing it over, or incorrect way may lead to problems as you have high BP. 

Yoga asan is a tricky thing, as I need to see your body and you should choose accordingly. The main motto is to increase the level of oxygen in your blood and have a frequent flow of blood in your head. You can start with child pose, surya namaskar, few stretching asan. But do a good amount of warm up with simple steps, and try to breathe more with your nose and less with mouth during exercise. 

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Best yoga for hypertension is to control your mind through meditation and relaxation.avoid junk food,oily & fatty food.Liten music .Take plenty of water and avoid salt & smoking.

Yoga teacher & Yoga instructor

Nadi shodan , anulom vilom, bhamri

Yoga tutor at home teaching since 20years

Best yoga and pranayam are very essential for reducing High BP. Balasana,Setubandasana,Bujangasana,shavasana and pacchimotasana are very important for High BP. Anulom vilom,Chandrabhedan pranayam and Shitali pranayam etc. Meditation is very important for reducing BP.

Math Tutor

Anulom Vilom (alternate nostril breathing); deep breathing; meditation; surya namskar; bridge pose (sethu badhha asana); eat more pottasium rich foods

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I suggest you to opt for online classes with BODHI YOGA INSTITUTE. This very good. I am impressed with their way of teaching.

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If you want to learn your yoga course then you can go to yogic gurukul or The yoga institute.

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