Shoulder is a very complex joint consisting of a very large group of muscles, ligaments and tendons, the round shaped joint with a socket in both sides of the shoulder is called a glenohumeral joint which allows movements in all axial planes, it Also has a synovial membrane inside which releases synovial fluid which keeps the ball and socket joint from friction, now lets talk about Shoulder pain its always better to diagnose the exact cause of the injury before blindly starting treatment for it as i have seen many clients and personal trainers mistake a shoulder pain always with rotator cuff injuries and put in all sorts of rotator cuff resistance exercises which can cause the underlying condition to worsen up resulting in permanent damages, a tendon and ligament injury can take upto 2 months with proper conservative treatments including application of heat and ice along with rehabilitation exercises, a shoulder pain can have a hundred causes most common injuries are Shoulder impingment syndrome due to nerve entrapment due to the persons bad posture on long-term,rounded shoulders, biomechanical defects which starts acting up in a later stage of life,scapular dysfunction, muscle imbalances between the agonist and antagonist muscle groups,micro muscle tears along with inflammation in the tendons and ligament, lack of mobility and stability of the joints, overuse injuries,tendonitis etc these are the common Shoulder dysfunctions now days mostly people with a sedentary lifestyle and a job with sitting on a computer all day long,what's important is the treatments for all these conditions are different in nature of rehab exercises, medications and other conservative methods,so it's very important to get a proper diagnosis of the same before doing anything,, a personal trainer has limitations and it does not come under the scope of practice to diagnose these symptoms its always better to seek the help of an orthopedician or a shoulder specialist who uses various test such as imaging, xrays, mri etc to find out the exact cause and have your personal trainer talk to the specialist about the movements and limitations which needs to be avoided and also rectified Along the path to recovery, my suggestion is not to avoid any pain or injury that lasts more than two weeks and should be taken care of as soon as possible to avoid permanent damages