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What is karma yoga?

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Java, J2EE Trainer, Certified Health Advisor

Practicing Accepting Destiny , Giving up EGO etc., comes under Karma Yoga

selfless service , you better stay in ashrams to understand karma yoga. I suggest you Bihar School of Yoga . go and stay 10 days . (one more thing by reading you won't understand karma yoga


Karma Yoga is the Yoga of Action.It's not what you do that counts, it's the attitude while doing it that determines whether its just a JOB or Karma YOGA. Please feel free to contact me for further details on this.

Yoga Pranaayaam Trainning and guidance

All our actions selflessly dedicated to society, our family, and others becomes karmayoga. As there is no ego and you no longer expect karmanphala, karma does not bind you in this process.

English and Yoga Teacher With Creative Multi Skill Professional

be on your karma .


different differnt school have different yoga for karma yoga so which school of yoga u are following that most important

health promoter

Whatever you do, give it 100% that karma yoga.

Yoga teacher

doing the work without expecting any result from it

Yoga Instructor/ Tution - Only Mathsematics classes 5 & 6th ,CBSE

It is one main stream of yoga.Karma yoga means doing an action with an attitude of detachment to the fruits of the action This makes man to free from himself from the strong attachment and thereby brings in him a steadiness or firmness.

Martial Arts Teacher With 30 Years Experience

Karma yoga is the action yoga. In gita lord krishna has said do karma yoga, means do the karma properly and do not expect the results. So you keep doing all your activities diligently without expecting the fruits.

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