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What are some simple yoga poses for beginners?

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My teaching experience 12 years

For beginners, try easy poses like Mountain Pose (Tadasana), Downward-Facing Dog (Adho Mukha Svanasana), Child's Pose (Balasana), and Cat-Cow Pose (Marjaryasana-Bitilasana). These poses can help build strength and flexibility while being accessible for newcomers.

Level 3 Certified Yoga Techer &Evaluator by Aayush, Govt. Of India

Beginner can strat with pawanmukatasana series 1,2,3 which helps them to switch to simple asanas hastauttanasana, padhastasana, tadasana, katichakrasana.plz strat yoga with joint loozning practices not directly with asanas though it looks simple to do.

Yoga Professional Trainer with 10 years + of experience in yoga, fitness, health, and mind world.

Mountain Pose Downward-Facing Dog Warrior I Warrior II Tree Pose

Pawan mukt part 1, 2 and 3. Simple yoga poses for beginners

Strength, Performance, Injury Prevention, Mobility, Rehab and Fatloss.

Simple yoga poses to start with are 1. Cat and camel 2. Downward dog 3. Cobra 4. Childs pose 5. Tree

Yoga tutor at home teaching since 20years

Simple yoga poses for beginners 1.Halasana with one leg 2.Pavanmuktasana 3.Tadasana 4.Trikonasana 5. Vraksasana 6.Setubandasana 7 Marjarasana 8.bhujangasana 9. Shavasana

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