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We, as an educational platform, believe in helping students by building a rock-solid foundation. We provide comprehensive NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Maths Chapters to help students who struggle to solve exercises. Our chapter-wise solved questions answers can assist you to practise with ease and boost your Maths score. Through our NCERT books solutions, you can also learn several concepts and methods thoroughly such as:
Cartesian plane
Bar graph drawing
Congruence of triangles
Coordinate plane
Cyclic Quadrilaterals
An Arc of a Circle
Spiral of square roots
Area of triangle
Factor Theorem
Rational numbers
Line segment
Measures of central tendency
Opposite angles
Base angle
Our CBSE Class 9 Maths NCERT Solutions are designed and solved by highly skilled trainers keeping in mind the students’ requirements. Enhance your maths skills and make understanding the subject more manageable with NCERT Solutions. With our Maths NCERT Solutions Class 9th, you will be able to practice in an organised manner. We also allow you to download the NCERT Maths Class 9 PDF/CBSE Class 9 Maths Solutions PDF to help you practice both online and offline.
It is often seen that some students of class 9 tend to take the Maths syllabus lightly. Considering that they need to give in their 100% only in the class 10 board exam. But, the truth is that a great deal of hard work and sincerity towards studies is required in class 9 and 10. It is because Maths syllabi of both courses are connected. Class 10 syllabus is, in fact, the continuance of lessons learnt in class 9. The primary constituent to outshine in the class 10 board exam lies in understanding class 9 syllabus with clarity.
Class 9 syllabus covers the basic of Maths that helps students in competitive exams like JEE, NEET etc. Some of the core mathematical topics studied in class 9 that students often find challenging to cope up include:
Linear Equations in Two Variables
Areas of Parallelograms
The Central Board of Secondary Education constructs the secondary school curriculum & academic content. It aims to provide opportunities for students to achieve excellence in learning. CBSE Class 9 curriculum consists of the main subjects – Mathematics, Science, Social science and Language. Each subject is designed by a panel of experts to help students achieve cognitive development. It also aims to strengthen substantial academic knowledge. Moreover, CBSE envisions the all-round development of students. Thus, the curriculum promotes life skills, aesthetic sensibilities, build sportsmanship, self-concepts etc.
CBSE Secondary Syllabus (especially of class 9) is learner-centred with school being a place where students would be acquiring various skills. Yet, many students find it hard to understand Class 9 Mathematics concepts clearly. Perhaps it is because of the nature of this subject. Mathematics, as a discipline, demands specific skills from students to calculate & organise. Skills to understand concepts related to number sense, geometry, probability, measurement, statistics etc.
We at UrbanPro provide quality trainers who have been reviewed and trusted by thousands of students. Our class 9th Maths trainers are known for their skills and quality tuition classes. They render sample papers, solutions classes, exercise questions and question papers. They also provide NCERT textbooks exam preparation tips, essential questions, study materials and more.
Mathematics – Textbook for Class 9 by NCERT is the best book for Class 9 Maths. You can also follow other reference books for additional information and revision.
Class 9 and 10 syllabi are interconnected, thus it’s crucial to understand the concepts studied in Class 9 to get a hold of class 10 syllabus. Not just that, thorough knowledge of topics like polynomials, lines, angles, triangles etc. are crucial for a sound mathematical base.
Every student has different hues and mental calibre. Thus, if you’re able to grasp the concepts you study in school and practice regularly, then you needn’t require tuition classes. However, if you need additional help to understand concepts, then it’s always wise to seek experts’ advice.
There are a total of 15 chapters in NCERT Class 9 Maths. Number Systems, Polynomials, Coordinate Geometry, Linear Equations in Two Variables, Introduction to Euclid’s Geometry are the first five chapters. If you want to go into the details, visit UrbanPro.
UrbanPro offer NCERT Class 9 Maths Solutions PDF for free download to help you learn with ease. Each solved exercise is explained thoroughly and is designed to help you score better.
Published on 2020-02-12 12:48:18 by arunima. Last Modified on 2020-02-12 12:48:18
Chapter 1 Number Systems
You have already learned about the number line and representation of various types of numbers in your earlier classes. In this chapter, you'll study about rational and irrational numbers, descriptively. It gives in-depth exposure to Real Numbers and Their...
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Chapter 2 Polynomials for Class 9
You have studied about the addition, subtraction, multiplication, division and factorisation of algebraic expressions. In Class 9 Maths Chapter 2, you’ll learn about special algebraic expressions known as Polynomials and their terminology. You’ll also learn...
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Chapter 4 Linear Equations in Two Variables
You have studied Linear equations in one variable in your previous classes. You have also learnt that such equations have only one solution. Now let’s go a step ahead and learn about linear equations in two variables. How many solutions does a linear equation...
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Chapter 3 Coordinate Geometry
In this NCERT class 9 Maths chapter, you’ll study about Coordinate Geometry. It is a branch of geometry where the location of the points on a plane, is found with the help of an ordered pair of numbers. In this chapter, you’ll discover that in coordinate...
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Chapter 5 Introduction to Euclids Geometry
NCERT Class 9 Maths Chapter 5 starts with the introduction of geometry. Geometry appears to have originated from the need for measuring land. This chapter highlights the contribution of the Greek mathematician - Euclid. He collected and summarised his entire...
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Chapter 6 Lines and Angles
In Chapter 5, you have studied that a minimum of two points are required to draw a line. The NCERT Class 9 Maths Chapter 6 explains the properties of the angles formed when two lines intersect each other. It likewise elucidates the properties formed...
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Chapter 7 Triangles
In your previous classes, you have studied about triangles and several properties related to them. You have also learned that ‘tri’ refers to ‘three’, a triangle has three sides, three vertices and three angles. In class 9 chapter 7, you’ll study about...
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Chapter 8 Quadrilaterals
You have already studied several properties of triangles in the previous two chapters. You’ll now learn about Quadrilaterals. Just like a triangle has three sides, three angles and three vertices, a quadrilateral is formed when you join four points...
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Chapter 10 Circles for Class 9
‘Circles’ are important figures in geometry. This is because you find circles everywhere. You look around, and you find several objects like the plates, tyres, dial of your watch, button of your shirt, coins and much more which are circular in shape....
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Chapter 9 Areas of Parallelograms and Triangles
You have learned about Geometry, the concept of congruent figures etc. In this chapter, you’ll learn to find out the Area of a figure. It is a number associated with the part of the plane enclosed by that figure. Area of any given figure is always expressed...
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Chapter 11 Constructions for Class 9
In earlier classes, you have learnt how to construct various geometrical figures such as angles, perpendicular bisectors, triangles, circles, and more. However, prior to this, you may not have understood the reasoning behind these constructions or may...
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Chapter 12 Herons Formula
In earlier classes, you have studied different shapes and figures in detail and have learnt how to find out the areas and perimeters of squares, circles, triangles, quadrilaterals and other geometrical figures. In this chapter, you’ll study about Heron...
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Chapter 13 Surface Areas and Volumes Class 9
In previous chapters, you have studied about plane figures: Squares, rectangles, circles etc. and the methods to calculate their areas and perimeters. You have also learnt to find the surface areas and volumes of cuboids, cubes and cylinders. Now, in...
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Chapter 14 Statistics for Class 9
The word ‘Statistics’ is derived from the Latin word ‘state’. Statistics is the area of study dealing with the presentation, interpretation and analysis of data. In simple words, the extraction of meaningful Data is called ‘Statistics’ Mathematics. In...
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Chapter 15 Probability for Class 9
In Class 9 Maths Chapter 15 Probability, we study about Probability as an experimental approach. The uncertainty involved in the terms ‘most probably’, ‘probably’, ‘chances’, ‘doubtful’, etc can be numerically measured in terms of ‘Probability’. Probability...
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