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Which part of IELTS is tough? Is it -speaking, reading, writing or listening?

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Best Trainer with 8 years of experience

Everybody has different level of English some may find reading difficult where others find difficulty in attempting speaking or writing exam. It completely varies person to person. In my opinion, you have to spend more preparation time to improve reading and writing skills.

Learn, Read, Achieve. Learn to speak in English comfortably and successfully. Build confidence.

Its up to the reader whether he/she is able to understand the question properly or not.

Everything becomes easy if You know how to crack it. contact me if you are interested in it. i will write my contact number in alphabetical order. for ex. A-0, B-1.

Senior Professor with over 30 Years Experience in Teaching, Training and Mentoring

In my experience most students find it difficult to handle the writing part. For many reading happens to be another area of challenge. However it all depends on training . Experienced trainers like me can be really helpful in overcoming the challenges on these areas. Several students who have signed...
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In my experience most students find it difficult to handle the writing part. For many reading happens to be another area of challenge. However it all depends on training . Experienced trainers like me can be really helpful in overcoming the challenges on these areas. Several students who have signed up with me for these modules after several takes have been successful. read less

IELTS Trainer

In my belief, the answer to this question lies in the student's aptitude towards the said module. A few students find writing more difficult than the others. That is because they are not in the habit of writing. A lot of my students find Reading the most difficult. Again, the reason is because they are...
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In my belief, the answer to this question lies in the student's aptitude towards the said module. A few students find writing more difficult than the others. That is because they are not in the habit of writing. A lot of my students find Reading the most difficult. Again, the reason is because they are not in the general habit of reading. There are tips and techniques to help the same and to build up the aptitude for the module you find the most difficult. To find out the same for your own, do an entire test paper for IELTS. It shall throw some light on the module you find easy or difficult. read less

Trainer IELTS General

According to my students, in the IELTS general paper, the reading and writing section is relatively tougher than listening and speaking sections. Usually, my students are in the age bracket of mid 20's to mid 40's who are familiar with the English language as they communicate fairly well but their written...
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According to my students, in the IELTS general paper, the reading and writing section is relatively tougher than listening and speaking sections. Usually, my students are in the age bracket of mid 20's to mid 40's who are familiar with the English language as they communicate fairly well but their written skills are limited. Remember, the IELTS exam is not a judgement on you but your ability to communicate. read less

Trainig Center

Well its completely depend upon concentration & the way your instructor instructs you. If you are good in Basic then IELTS Exam must be nothing. Every section has its own way to crack it. Get the shortcuts tips.


Yes, it varies from person to person. From my experience, I have noticed that writing doesn't come too easily too. But with adequate practice and the right guidance, all the modules become easy.

Spoken English, Communication Skills, IELTS Coaching, Interview Skills with 20 years of experience

Kishore, IELTS is pretty simple if you are a good English user. But most students find writing and reading tough.

Online and offline IELTS (A/GT), PTE-A and PTE CORE coaching classes

Practice focusing and patience. There are different ways to listen. Listen and grasp nothing, or listen to understand. To be able to listen to understand (which is required in IELTS) you need great focus.

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