International English Language Testing System (IELTS) exam is written by many aspirants aiming to immigrate to countries like UK, USA, Canada and so on. This exam is beneficial for both students who are planning higher studies & working professionals going abroad for training/work. There are two formats of the exam one for each of the above categories: Academic IELTS and General Training IELTS. The test is covered by four sections. Let us look at how to crack the Reading and Writing Sections here:
Crack the Reading Section of IELTS:
- Reading section requires the candidates to read passages and answer the questions related to the same. The passages can either be short and tricky or long and easier. The candidate should read extensively to be able to read any kind of passage at a good speed.
- As you read the passage, make practice to identify the main theme of the passage and summarize the same in your own words. This will give you a fair idea about the core context of the passage.
- Improve reading speed - One of the essential time saving techniques is to read the passage in short time and gather all the essential information. In order to achieve this, the candidate has to develop a regular timed reading habit. Do not read each word, scan through.
- Pay Attention to highlights like capital letters, italics, titles, graphs and tables. Make sure the instructions for the same are carefully understood.
Crack the Writing Section of IELTS:
The writing section consists of three writing parts -- Task 1, Task 2 and General Writing. The section is timed for 60 minutes
- Stick to the topic: Often candidates elaborate about the topic in an unrelated manner. Avoid that. Plan the introduction, main content and the conclusion. Stick to the topic and do not digress a lot.
- Do not repeat sentences from the question asked: Copying sentences from the question does not carry any marks. It is not required, as it may sometimes indicate unpreparedness of a candidate.
- Manage time well: Task 2 carries twice as many marks as Task 1, Hence, plan how much time you will spend on each task. It is recommended by the official IELTS forum to spend about 20 minutes on Task 1 and around 40 minutes on Task 2.
- Adhere to the word limit: You will lose marks if you do not reach the minimum word limit for each task. Make sure you have an idea of how many words are there in each paragraph. So that you have an idea as to how many paragraphs should constitute your tasks. This gives a rough idea for you to stick to the minimum words limit. Also, ensure that the answers are written in passage format and not as loose notes. This will lead to losing marks.
- Check for any grammatical or spelling errors: The candidate has to make sure there are absolutely no grammatical or spelling errors. Pay attention to sentence formations, plurals, capitals and other such common grammar errors. Practice passage writing regularly to avoid these silly mistakes.
- Highlight crucial words which showcase the main idea, but do not overdo it.