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Where is the best IELTS preparation in Delhi?

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You can look for UrbanPro best-ranked tutors for spoken English and English in general. Most of them give tuition for IELTS and related exams.

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How can I improve my spoken English without a speaking partner?
You can look into the mirror and speak on various topics or record your speech on different topics and replay those again and again and find out where you need to improve.
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Hi, how do I become a certified IELTS trainer in India? Are there are any institutes that provide online coaching plus certification?

All is you need to inquire on the British Council website regarding same.Secondly, if you work with some consultancy, you will have free entry for same as they provide a free workshop for partners along...
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How do I prepare for the IELTS writing part?
I am not quite sure if you are referring to IELTS Academic or General but irrespective of that, writing task is one tough nut to crack if not approached in the required format. Few things which I would...
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I want to score 6.5 in ilets exam
Your level of English in each skill- reading, writing, listening and speaking can be a helpful guide. You can evaluate your level of English by any expert IELTS trainer. For example, if your level is elementary...
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They are tests of two different categories. One category is English proficiency tests: TOEFL, and IELTS, and the other one is the tests for assessing an MBA applicants' potential for the course: GMAT,...
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