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What is the best way to write an essay for IELTS preparation?

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With years of experience in teaching field ad a zeal to enlighten Young minds..would like to serv

Writing strategies will help you write a great essay in IELTS similarly speaking with various important guidelines helps you achieve high score


Hi Ritu, you should write an intro para in which you outline the question and your viewpoint, then 2-3 body paras explaining your viewpoint with examples and then a conclusion para. Make sure you shed light on counter viewpoints as well in one of your body paras.

With years of experience in teaching field ad a zeal to enlighten Young minds..would like to serv

There are many ways to crack the writing section . A 7 band essay has Cohesion uses correct grammar structure and answers the task rubric.

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Hi Team, I am preparing for IELTS exam. I have basic knowledge of IELTS Exam like Format, Exam Time, Why we should go for IELTS Exam etc. However, I would like to understand more on the part of Preparation of exam of IELTS in effective manner. Please help me. Appreciate you support and help. Thank you
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