- Agricultural Field Officer
- I.T Officer
- Law Officers
- Rajbhasha Officer
- HR/Personal Officer
- Marketing Officers
- Chartered Accountants
- Finance Executive
- I.T Officers
- Law Officers
- Law Officer- Scale I & II & Rajbhasha Adhikari Scale I
2. IT Officer Scales I & II, Agriculture Field Officer Scale I, HR/ Personnel Officer Scale I, Marketing Officer Scale I, Chartered Accountants Scale-II & Manager Credit /Finance Executive Scale-II.
Quick Tips:
- Start preparing early so that you’re able to identify your strong and weak areas. You can then plan your preparation accordingly.
- Learn time management by solving sample or mock tests and tracking your progress.
- Beware of the negative marking so that you don’t attempt all questions (or the questions you can’t solve). Avoid any guess work.
- Don’t get stuck if you’re unable to solve a question. While overspending time on solving a question. Remember that you’re running out of time.
- Keep an eye on your watch so that you could wisely spend the time you’re left with.
- Always try to implement the Elimination Rule while answering a multiple type choice question.
- Remember that there’s a sectional cut-off and you have to clear it in order to get through the test and receive interview calls.
- Arihant’s IBPS-CWE Specialist Officer Recruitment Exam: Success Master
- Quantitative Aptitude by RS Aggarwal
- Verbal and non verbal reasoning by RS Aggarwal (English)
- India 2013, by Govt of India ( General Awareness )
- Objective Computer Knowledge & Literacy (Professional IT knowledge)
- IBPS IT Officers: Online Mock Test, Scale - 1 and 2 (Professional IT Knowledge)
- Bank Agricultural Field Officer Common Written Exam (CWE) Guide ( Professional Agriculture Knowledge)
- IBPS-CWE Recruitment of Specialist Officers: 25 Practices Test Papers
- IBPS Bank Specialist Officers: Common Written Exam (CWE) Guide