Neel Mani Class I-V Tuition trainer in Delhi

Neel Mani

20 years of teaching,academics and engineering

Sultanpuri Ratan Vihar, Delhi, India - 110086.


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Every beginner developer who starts to learn web development begins with HTML and ends with distributed technologies like EJB,Spring and WebServices <br/>My students recognise the future After 5G Telecom revolution,everything is going to be app Oriented <br/>Next Reality is Cloud Computing,Artificial Intelligence,Data Science and Ultimately the Era of Quantum Computing has dawned So pick the common Intersection of all these Learn Python too.Full Stack Python Classes are free at weekend to Full Stack Java Courses <br/>You will learn fundamentals of Full Stack Development -from front end to backend and whole Object Oriented DesignToal Duration is 400 hrs of Java and 200 hrs of Python. <br/>No one will offer you the combo pack offer

Languages Spoken




Magadh University 2007

Bachelor of Engineering (B.E.)

IBM Quantum 2021

Quantum Computing Course


2/18, GH Block, Block H 2, Indira Jheel, Sultanpuri

Sultanpuri Ratan Vihar, Delhi, India - 110086

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Class I-V Tuition

Class Location

Online (video chat via skype, google hangout etc)

Student's Home

Tutor's Home

Years of Experience in Class I-V Tuition



CBSE, IGCSE, International Baccalaureate, ICSE

IB Subjects taught

English, Computers, Mathematics, Science, Social studies, Hindi

CBSE Subjects taught

English, Science, Hindi, Mathematics, Computers, Social Science

ICSE Subjects taught

English, Mathematics, Computer science, Hindi, Social Studies, Science

IGCSE Subjects taught

Science, English, Mathematics, Hindi

Taught in School or College


Teaching Experience in detail in Class I-V Tuition

Teaching kids from class 1-5 is always special.you need to have patience,care and parental affection.They will repeat mistakes,they need to be taught in their own way.I often visit my childhood while teaching them.

Class 6 Tuition

Class Location

Online (video chat via skype, google hangout etc)

Student's Home

Tutor's Home

Years of Experience in Class 6 Tuition




CBSE Subjects taught

Mathematics, English, Science

ICSE Subjects taught

English, Chemistry, Biology, Computer Science, Hindi, Mathematics, Physics

Taught in School or College


State Syllabus Subjects taught

Science, Mathematics, English

Computer Classes

Class Location

Online (video chat via skype, google hangout etc)

Student's Home

Tutor's Home

Years of Experience in Computer Classes


Type of Computer course taken

Training in Software application usage, Basics of Computer usage, Training in Computer tools usage, Software Programming

Class 7 Tuition

Class Location

Online (video chat via skype, google hangout etc)

Student's Home

Tutor's Home

Years of Experience in Class 7 Tuition




CBSE Subjects taught

Computers, Mathematics, English, Hindi, Science

ICSE Subjects taught

English, Chemistry, Biology, Computer Science, Hindi, Mathematics, Physics

Taught in School or College


Class 8 Tuition

Class Location

Online (video chat via skype, google hangout etc)

Student's Home

Tutor's Home

Years of Experience in Class 8 Tuition




CBSE Subjects taught

Computers, Mathematics, English, Hindi, Telugu, Science

ICSE Subjects taught

English, Chemistry, Biology, Computer Science, Hindi, Mathematics, Physics

Taught in School or College


State Syllabus Subjects taught

Science, EVS, Hindi, Mathematics, English

Class 9 Tuition

Class Location

Online (video chat via skype, google hangout etc)

Student's Home

Tutor's Home

Years of Experience in Class 9 Tuition


NIOS Subjects taught

English, Science, Hindi, Mathematics


IGCSE, International Baccalaureate, CBSE, NIOS, State, ICSE

State boards taught

Delhi State Board

IB Subjects taught

Physics, Mathematics, English, Chemistry, Hindi, Biology

CBSE Subjects taught

Mathematics, Hindi, Information and Comunication Technology, Science, Manipuri, English

ICSE Subjects taught

Chemistry, Computer Application, English, Biology, Physics, Hindi, Mathematics, English Literature

IGCSE Subjects taught

Physics, Mathematics, English, Hindi, Chemistry

Experience in School or College


Taught in School or College


State Syllabus Subjects taught

English, Science, Mathematics, Hindi

Java Training Classes

Class Location

Online (video chat via skype, google hangout etc)

Student's Home

Tutor's Home

Years of Experience in Java Training Classes



Java Full Stack Developer, JSP (Java Server Pages), Struts, Hibernate, Core Java, Servlet, Spring, Web services, J2EE, Java Real Time Projects

Certification training offered


Teaching Experience in detail in Java Training Classes

ļ‚§ Proficient in UI design, developed Front End using JSP,HTML5,CSS3 ļ‚§ Experiences with Core Java with Multithreading,Concurrency,File Handling I/O,Generics,Data Structures and Collections, Garbage Collection ļ‚§ Experience in developing, deploying, and managing N - tier, server-centric J2EE enterprise class projects using My Eclipse 6.5, J2SE1.4/1.5/1.6 (Java 2, JDBC 3.0, RMI), J2EE 1.5 Web application technologies (Servlets 2.x, JSP 1.x/2.x, JSTL 1.2, JNDI), Enterprise application technologies (EJB 2.x/3.0, JMS). ļ‚§ Good experience on Design Patterns (J2EE) like Singleton, Factory, DAO, Session Facade, Front Controller, and Delegate Pattern. ļ‚§ Experience in Spring framework(MVC/IOC/ORM/JDBC/AOP/) and Struts (MVC,architecture, interceptors, actionmappings and resource bundles). ļ‚§ Experience in development and deployment of applications using JBoss, Web LogicApplication Server, and Apache Tomcat. ļ‚§ Experience in developing SOAP based Web Services using JAX-RS and JAX-WS. ļ‚§ Experienced in developing Restful Services using JAX-RS specification like Jersey and Rest Easy to implement REST based Application. ļ‚§ Experience working on Web Services SOAP & REST, JAX-WS, JAXB, WSDL and UDDI registry. ļ‚§ Involved in designed fully distributed system with the use of Restful API ļ‚§ Expertise in developing model components using ORM technologies like Hibernate ļ‚§ (Caching, Hibernate Template, DAO) to write Database independent persistence logic and to ļ‚§ maintain portable relationships between the databases. ļ‚§ Good experience in Debugging and logging using Log4j. ļ‚§ Experienced with RDBMS implementation and development using Oracle, My SQL ļ‚§ Experience in using version control and configuration management tools like CVS. ļ‚§ Experience in using the tools like Ant and Maven for build automation. ļ‚§ Experience with operating systems including Linux and Windows. ļ‚§ Domain knowledge and business expertise in Banking,Insurance, Mortgage Loan TECHNICAL SKILLS: ļ‚§ Programming Languages: Java, MySQL,SQL, PLSQL,Python, ļ‚§ Scripting Languages: XML,XHTML,HTML,CSS ļ‚§ Frame Works: Struts1.5, Spring, JPA,EJB,HibernateJMS. ļ‚§ Web Services: SOAP, UDDI,WSDL, JAX-RS, JAX-WS, RESTful Web services,. ļ‚§ Databases: Oracle 11g, MySQL, ļ‚§ Version Control: CVS ļ‚§ IDE Tools: MyEclipse, ANT, Maven, ļ‚§ Web/App/DB Servers: WebLogic, Apache Tomcat, Jboss.

BTech Tuition

Class Location

Online (video chat via skype, google hangout etc)

Student's Home

Tutor's Home

Years of Experience in BTech Tuition


BTech Computer Science subjects

Database Management Systems, Protocol Engineering, Web Engineering, Computer Networks, Machine Intelligence, Machine Learning, Design Of Digital Systems, Social Network Analysis, Object Technology, Types of Database Systems, Performance Modelling and Analysis, Internet Technology and Applications, Data Structures and Algorithms, Network Management & Design, Object Oriented Programming & Systems, Software Engineering and Architecture, Mobile Application Development, Computer Graphics and Multimedia, Java Programming, Simulation and Modelling, Building Enterprise Application, Combinatorics, Natural Language Processing, Product Realization with Hardware-Software Interface, Wireless Networks, Bioinformatics, Software Quality Assurance, Network security, Computer Organization & Design, Game Programming, Virtual Reality Technologies, Number Theory and Cryptography, Multimedia and Virtual Reality, Types and Optimization of Computing Systems, Data Communication, Information Retrieval, Unix Network Programming, Computer Architecture, Compiler Design, Software Testing and Analysis, Linux Programming, Computer Hardware, Information Security, Artificial Intelligence, Microprocessors, Storage Device and Technology, Programming in C#, Software Project Management, Data Warehouse and Data Mining, Design and Analysis of Algorithms, Network Processors, Switching Circuits & Logic Design, Big Data Analytics

BTech Branch

BTech Computer Science Engineering

Type of class

Regular Classes, Crash Course

Class strength catered to

One on one/ Private Tutions, Group Classes

Taught in School or College


BSc Tuition

Class Location

Online (video chat via skype, google hangout etc)

Student's Home

Tutor's Home

Years of Experience in BSc Tuition


BSc Computer Science Subjects

Programming Fundamentals, Statistical Methodology, Software Testing, Data Communication and Computer Networks, Computer Graphics, Discrete Structures, Basic Statistics and Probability, Artificial Intelligence, Technical writing and communication in English, Combinatorial Optimisations, Microprocessors, Network programming and Administration, Operating Systems, Data Structures, Data Mining, Calculus and Matrices, Operational Research, Differential Equations, Theory of Computations, Digital Electronics, Real Analysis, Software Engineering, Calculus and Geometry, Internet Technologies, Information Security, Lab Based on Digital Electronics, Computer Systems Architecture

Type of class

Regular Classes, Crash Course

Class strength catered to

One on one/ Private Tutions, Group Classes

Taught in School or College


BSc Branch

BSc Computer Science, BSc Mathematics

BSc Mathematics Subjects

Biophysics, Economics, Probability and Statistics, Discrete Mathematics, Mathematical Finance, Mechanics, Chemistry, Calculus, Formal Logic, Analysis, Number Theory, Green Chemistry, Differential Equations and Mathematical Modelling, Fininacial Management, Algebra, Numerical Methods and Programming, Financial Accounting, Physics, Ethics in Public Domain, Environmental Issues in India, Geography, Biotechnology

Python Training classes

Class Location

Online (video chat via skype, google hangout etc)

Student's Home

Tutor's Home

Years of Experience in Python Training classes


Course Duration provided

3-6 months

Seeker background catered to


Certification provided


Python applications taught

Web Development with Python , GUI (Graphical User Interfaces) with Python

Teaching Experience in detail in Python Training classes

• Full stack developer Close to 7 years of industrial experience in Designing, Development, Deployment and maintenance of web apps based on Spring framework in Java and Django - Python platforms. • Experience of Programming using Object Oriented Programming (OOPs concept) and software development life cycle (SDLC), architecting scalable platforms, object oriented programming, database design and agile methodologies. • More than 4 years of Professional Web Apps development experience using Django and Flask inclusive of experience in UI using javascript, AngularJS and React-Redux. • Experience in using frameworks and tools like Django , Flask , Django REST , Hibernate ORM , Spring . • Experience working with Vagrant and Docker images and containers and Ansible . • Worked with Jenkins and CircleCI . • Proficient knowledge in Web services like Google Cloud and Amazon AWS Services. • Worked with varieties of Relational Databases ( RDBMS ) like SQLite, MySQL and Postgresql and NoSQL DBs like MongoDB and Cassandra . • Experience in installing softwares using pip command for python libraries like BeautifulSoup , numpy , Scipy, PySide, python-twitter, RabbitMQ, Celery , matplotlib, Pandas data-frame, uuid and used PEP8 coding convention. • Working on a new web app built in React and Redux using ES6. • Experience in using Spring Libraries like Log4j, ANT, Maven, and Apache to increase productivity and software quality. • Have worked with Spring Framework , J2EE Architecture and Apache Tomcat Server . • Experience in Developing reverse proxy using NGIX and Ansible to manage end user quarantine. • Strong experience using REST Web Services for data communication between remote systems, designed, developed and testing of REST interfaces in Java. • Installation, configuring and working with OSX10 Sierra, Ubuntu 14/16, Fedora23 and Red Hat Enterprise Linux server 5.0/6.0 on VMWare and stand-alone platforms. • Familiar with RaspberryPI and Raspbian OS for UART controlling. • Experience using GIT version control and testing deployments using Heroku. SKILLS: Languages: Python, Java, JavaScript, Angular, Bootstrap, Linux Shell Scripts. Frame Works: Django, Flask, Django Rest, Spring, Hibernate. Databases: Oracle, MS Access, MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, MongoDB, Cassendra. Tools & IDE: Pycharm, Microsoft Visual Code, Eclipse, NetBeans IDE, JIRA, Jenkin, CircleCI, Splunk RELEVANT EXPERIENCE: Confidential Full stack Python Developer, San Francisco, CA RESPONSIBILITIES: • Designed and developed the server module and resolved issues and responsible for its enhancements. • Architected and developed Python and Django for the backend development and front-end application using React, Webpack, Redux, and ES6/7 and PostgreSQL for database. • Worked on Django ORM module for signing complex queries. • Defined different Django API profiling techniques for faster rendering information. • Used Ansible, Vagrant and Docker for managing the application environments. • Worked on Django Signals, Celery and RabbitMQ queues. • Developed Python scripts for testing the car functioning on different services. • Worked with Splunk for testing the performance and debugging server level problems. • Implemented various Validation Controls for form validation and implemented custom validation controls using Object Oriented JavaScript. • Used React JS in components like JSX, creating React components, Virtual DOM, React Props, Lifecycle methods, working with React States and Events. • Developed Restful microservices using Flask and Django and deployed on AWS servers using EBS and EC2. • Developed views and templates with Django view controller and template to create a user-friendly website interface. • Used CircleCI for continuous integration and delivery platform over GIT. • Worked on multiple containers and managed the load balancing between all the containers using NGINX. • Used Django Migrations for designing and expanding of the database. • Automated most of the daily task using python scripting. • Worked on Jira for managing the tasks and improving the individual performance. • Making recommendations to the team in terms of appropriate testing techniques, shared testing tasks. Environments: Python 2.7, Django, DjangoRest, Flask, React, Redux, CircleCI, Vagrant, Splunk, New Relic Server, GitHub, Ansible, HTML5/CSS, PostgreSQL, Amazon Web Service (AWS), S3, EC2, EBS, Pycharm, Microsoft Vistual Code, Linux, Shell Scripting, JIRA. Confidential Full stack Python Developer, Fremont, CA RESPONSIBILITIES: • Designed and developed the complete admin module and resolved issues and enhanced the Admin module for more achievements. • Used Python programming and Django for the backend development, Boostrap and Angular for frontend connectivity and MongoDB for database. • Developed a Django ORM module queries that can pre-load data to reduce the number of databases queries needed to retrieve the same amount of data. • Worked on Docker and Ansible. • Used JavaScripts for data validations and designed validations modules. • Developed project's web page as Single Page Application (SPA) by using AngularJS and JavaScript API and build delivery driver application. • Developed views and templates with Django view controller and template to create a user-friendly website interface. • Used PandasAPI to put the data as time series and tabular format for local timestamp data manipulation and retrieval and storing it into MongoDB. • Deployed and tested different modules in Docker containers and GIT. • Used multiple containers and managed the load balancing between all the containers using NGINX. • Implemented programming automations using Jenkins and Ansible on unix/linux based OS over cloud like Docker. • Automated MySQL container deployment in Docker using Python and monitoring of these containers. • Used Python Library Beautiful Soup for web scrapping to extract data for building graphs • Uploaded the admin module on Elastic Bean Stalk (EBS) and EC2 and stored the static files in S3 on Amazon cloud. • Automated most of the task using python scripting, RaspberryPI and Raspbian OS, and Unix/Linux shell Scripting. • Developed leadership skills and managing the team spirit. Environments: Python 2.7, Django, DjangoRest, Flask, AngularJS, Javascript Validation, Jenkins, Dockers, Container, GitHub, Ansible, RaspberryPI, Raspbian, HTML5/CSS, MS SQL Server 2013, Amazon Web Service (AWS), S3, EC2, EBS, MySQL, JavaScript, Pycharm, Linux, Shell Scripting, JIRA. Confidential Python Developer, Bethesda, MD RESPONSIBILITIES: • Create application using Django using RESTful API. • Ensured high quality data collection and maintaining the integrity of the data. Designed and developed the UI of the website using HTML, AJAX, CSS and JavaScript. Designed and developed the data management system using MySQL. • Build SQL queries for performing various CRUD operations like create, update, read and delete. • Used Django Database API's to access database objects. • Handled all the client side validation using JavaScript and jQuery. • Creating unit test/regression test framework for working/creating new code. • Build all Database Mapping classes using Django Generic, Class and functioned based methods. • File handling for the client data in files like .txt and .xlxs file for data retrieve and storing purpose. Graphical data representation using python modules like Numpy, SciPy, Pandas, Pygal and installed using pip command toolkit. • Data Exchanges and sorting as per customer requirement between Database and Files. • Enhanced existing automated solutions, such as the Inquiry Tool for automated Asset Department reporting and added new features and fixed bugs. • Used PEP coding convention for making code more understandable. • Responsible for debugging and troubleshooting the web application. Environments: Django, JavaScript, MySQL, Numpy, SciPy, Pandas API, PEP, PIP, unit and regression testing, Rest Framework, Data handling and sorting. Confidential Python Software Engineer, Los Angeles, CA RESPONSIBILITIES: • Involved in various phases of Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) such as requirements gathering, modeling, analysis, design and development. • Involved in the process of creating Use-case diagrams, Activity flow diagrams, Class diagrams and Object diagrams in the design phase and developed the Coding module. • Created Python and Bash tools to increase efficiency of call center application system and operations, data conversion scripts, REST, JSON, and CRUD scripts for API Integration. • Automation of unit testing using Python. • Used Unix/Linux OS based cloud for the deployment. • Wrote scripts in Python for extracting data from HTML file using Python library Beautiful Soup. • Experience with Data migration from Sqlite3 to MongoDB. • Build the Silent Circle Management System (SCMC) in Django, Python, and AngularJS while integrating with infrastructure services. • Created a Python/Django based web application using Python scripting for data processing, MySQL for the database, and HTML/CSS/JQuery and High Charts for data visualization of the served pages. • Strong Socket programming experience in Python. Implemented complex networking operations like race route, SMTP mail server and web server. • Used standard Python modules e.g. csv, robot parser, iter tools, pickle, jinja variables, lxml for development. • Managed, developed, and designed a dashboard control panel for customers and Administrators using Django, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Bootstrap, JQuery and RESTAPI calls. • Performed troubleshooting, fixed and deployed many Python bug fixes of the two main applications that were a main source of data for both customers and internal customer service team. • Experienced in Agile Methodologies and SCRUM Process. Environments: Python, Django, REST API, Agile, Heroku, Bootstrap, pickle, jinja, SMTP, Django ORM, Pandas api, MongoDB, Beautiful Soup. Confidential J2EE Developer RESPONSIBILITIES: • Involved in the project analysis, design, and implementation & debugging. • Worked closely with different stakeholders of the system to understand their needs for this system integration. • Implemented the Spring MVC architecture. • Worked on Restful API development using Jersey API. • Worked on different J2EE Design Patterns such as Factory Pattern and Singleton. • Created User Interface screens using HTML, AJAX, CSS, Java script • Developed Action classes, ActionForms, and Struts Configuration file to handle required UI actions, JSPs for Views. • Developed build scripts to generate EAR and WAR files Tomcat Server. • Developed server side presentation layer using Spring MVC Framework using Maven. • Used the light weight container of the Spring Frame work to provide architectural flexibility for inversion of controller (IOC). • Performed Inheritance based Object Relational Mappings in tables to simplify the data using HibernateORM. • Used Eclipse IDE and deployed the application on Web Logic application over Apache Tomcat server. • Debugging and testing of the applications & fine tuning performance. Provided maintenance support in production environment. • Unit tested all the classes using JUNIT at various class level and methods level. Environments: Java, J2EE, Spring MVC Framework, JSP, JSTL, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, XML, Log4J, Ant, Oracle, Tomcat, REST, Servlets, Hibernate, POJO, Restful Services.


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1. Which school boards of Class 1-5 do you teach for?

CBSE, IGCSE, International Baccalaureate and others

2. Have you ever taught in any School or College?


3. Which classes do you teach?

I teach BSc Tuition, BTech Tuition, Class 6 Tuition, Class 7 Tuition, Class 8 Tuition, Class 9 Tuition, Class I-V Tuition, Computer, Java Training and Python Training Classes.

4. Do you provide a demo class?

Yes, I provide a free demo class.

5. How many years of experience do you have?

I have been teaching for 20 years.

Answers by Neel Mani (7)

Answered on 31/07/2017 Learn IT Courses/Java

This is used to refer current class object. this with parentheses creates current class constructor
Answers 10 Comments
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Answered on 06/06/2017 Learn Tuition/BCA Tuition +1 Tuition/BCA Tuition/Computer Oriented Numerical Techniques

28 day period
Answers 36 Comments
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Answered on 24/04/2017 Learn Tuition/BA Tuition +1 Tuition/BA Tuition/English

Step1-Go to Profile. Step2-Under it go to conducted classes. Step3-Under it uncheck unwanted options like 'online classes','home tution'. Step4-Save it
Answers 12 Comments
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Answered on 24/04/2017 Learn Tuition/Class XI-XII Tuition (PUC)

3cos3x - 4sin4x
Answers 142 Comments
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Answered on 22/04/2017 Learn Tuition/Class XI-XII Tuition (PUC)

Answers 418 Comments
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Class I-V Tuition

Class Location

Online (video chat via skype, google hangout etc)

Student's Home

Tutor's Home

Years of Experience in Class I-V Tuition



CBSE, IGCSE, International Baccalaureate, ICSE

IB Subjects taught

English, Computers, Mathematics, Science, Social studies, Hindi

CBSE Subjects taught

English, Science, Hindi, Mathematics, Computers, Social Science

ICSE Subjects taught

English, Mathematics, Computer science, Hindi, Social Studies, Science

IGCSE Subjects taught

Science, English, Mathematics, Hindi

Taught in School or College


Teaching Experience in detail in Class I-V Tuition

Teaching kids from class 1-5 is always special.you need to have patience,care and parental affection.They will repeat mistakes,they need to be taught in their own way.I often visit my childhood while teaching them.

Class 6 Tuition

Class Location

Online (video chat via skype, google hangout etc)

Student's Home

Tutor's Home

Years of Experience in Class 6 Tuition




CBSE Subjects taught

Mathematics, English, Science

ICSE Subjects taught

English, Chemistry, Biology, Computer Science, Hindi, Mathematics, Physics

Taught in School or College


State Syllabus Subjects taught

Science, Mathematics, English

Computer Classes

Class Location

Online (video chat via skype, google hangout etc)

Student's Home

Tutor's Home

Years of Experience in Computer Classes


Type of Computer course taken

Training in Software application usage, Basics of Computer usage, Training in Computer tools usage, Software Programming

Class 7 Tuition

Class Location

Online (video chat via skype, google hangout etc)

Student's Home

Tutor's Home

Years of Experience in Class 7 Tuition




CBSE Subjects taught

Computers, Mathematics, English, Hindi, Science

ICSE Subjects taught

English, Chemistry, Biology, Computer Science, Hindi, Mathematics, Physics

Taught in School or College


Class 8 Tuition

Class Location

Online (video chat via skype, google hangout etc)

Student's Home

Tutor's Home

Years of Experience in Class 8 Tuition




CBSE Subjects taught

Computers, Mathematics, English, Hindi, Telugu, Science

ICSE Subjects taught

English, Chemistry, Biology, Computer Science, Hindi, Mathematics, Physics

Taught in School or College


State Syllabus Subjects taught

Science, EVS, Hindi, Mathematics, English

Class 9 Tuition

Class Location

Online (video chat via skype, google hangout etc)

Student's Home

Tutor's Home

Years of Experience in Class 9 Tuition


NIOS Subjects taught

English, Science, Hindi, Mathematics


IGCSE, International Baccalaureate, CBSE, NIOS, State, ICSE

State boards taught

Delhi State Board

IB Subjects taught

Physics, Mathematics, English, Chemistry, Hindi, Biology

CBSE Subjects taught

Mathematics, Hindi, Information and Comunication Technology, Science, Manipuri, English

ICSE Subjects taught

Chemistry, Computer Application, English, Biology, Physics, Hindi, Mathematics, English Literature

IGCSE Subjects taught

Physics, Mathematics, English, Hindi, Chemistry

Experience in School or College


Taught in School or College


State Syllabus Subjects taught

English, Science, Mathematics, Hindi

Java Training Classes

Class Location

Online (video chat via skype, google hangout etc)

Student's Home

Tutor's Home

Years of Experience in Java Training Classes



Java Full Stack Developer, JSP (Java Server Pages), Struts, Hibernate, Core Java, Servlet, Spring, Web services, J2EE, Java Real Time Projects

Certification training offered


Teaching Experience in detail in Java Training Classes

ļ‚§ Proficient in UI design, developed Front End using JSP,HTML5,CSS3 ļ‚§ Experiences with Core Java with Multithreading,Concurrency,File Handling I/O,Generics,Data Structures and Collections, Garbage Collection ļ‚§ Experience in developing, deploying, and managing N - tier, server-centric J2EE enterprise class projects using My Eclipse 6.5, J2SE1.4/1.5/1.6 (Java 2, JDBC 3.0, RMI), J2EE 1.5 Web application technologies (Servlets 2.x, JSP 1.x/2.x, JSTL 1.2, JNDI), Enterprise application technologies (EJB 2.x/3.0, JMS). ļ‚§ Good experience on Design Patterns (J2EE) like Singleton, Factory, DAO, Session Facade, Front Controller, and Delegate Pattern. ļ‚§ Experience in Spring framework(MVC/IOC/ORM/JDBC/AOP/) and Struts (MVC,architecture, interceptors, actionmappings and resource bundles). ļ‚§ Experience in development and deployment of applications using JBoss, Web LogicApplication Server, and Apache Tomcat. ļ‚§ Experience in developing SOAP based Web Services using JAX-RS and JAX-WS. ļ‚§ Experienced in developing Restful Services using JAX-RS specification like Jersey and Rest Easy to implement REST based Application. ļ‚§ Experience working on Web Services SOAP & REST, JAX-WS, JAXB, WSDL and UDDI registry. ļ‚§ Involved in designed fully distributed system with the use of Restful API ļ‚§ Expertise in developing model components using ORM technologies like Hibernate ļ‚§ (Caching, Hibernate Template, DAO) to write Database independent persistence logic and to ļ‚§ maintain portable relationships between the databases. ļ‚§ Good experience in Debugging and logging using Log4j. ļ‚§ Experienced with RDBMS implementation and development using Oracle, My SQL ļ‚§ Experience in using version control and configuration management tools like CVS. ļ‚§ Experience in using the tools like Ant and Maven for build automation. ļ‚§ Experience with operating systems including Linux and Windows. ļ‚§ Domain knowledge and business expertise in Banking,Insurance, Mortgage Loan TECHNICAL SKILLS: ļ‚§ Programming Languages: Java, MySQL,SQL, PLSQL,Python, ļ‚§ Scripting Languages: XML,XHTML,HTML,CSS ļ‚§ Frame Works: Struts1.5, Spring, JPA,EJB,HibernateJMS. ļ‚§ Web Services: SOAP, UDDI,WSDL, JAX-RS, JAX-WS, RESTful Web services,. ļ‚§ Databases: Oracle 11g, MySQL, ļ‚§ Version Control: CVS ļ‚§ IDE Tools: MyEclipse, ANT, Maven, ļ‚§ Web/App/DB Servers: WebLogic, Apache Tomcat, Jboss.

BTech Tuition

Class Location

Online (video chat via skype, google hangout etc)

Student's Home

Tutor's Home

Years of Experience in BTech Tuition


BTech Computer Science subjects

Database Management Systems, Protocol Engineering, Web Engineering, Computer Networks, Machine Intelligence, Machine Learning, Design Of Digital Systems, Social Network Analysis, Object Technology, Types of Database Systems, Performance Modelling and Analysis, Internet Technology and Applications, Data Structures and Algorithms, Network Management & Design, Object Oriented Programming & Systems, Software Engineering and Architecture, Mobile Application Development, Computer Graphics and Multimedia, Java Programming, Simulation and Modelling, Building Enterprise Application, Combinatorics, Natural Language Processing, Product Realization with Hardware-Software Interface, Wireless Networks, Bioinformatics, Software Quality Assurance, Network security, Computer Organization & Design, Game Programming, Virtual Reality Technologies, Number Theory and Cryptography, Multimedia and Virtual Reality, Types and Optimization of Computing Systems, Data Communication, Information Retrieval, Unix Network Programming, Computer Architecture, Compiler Design, Software Testing and Analysis, Linux Programming, Computer Hardware, Information Security, Artificial Intelligence, Microprocessors, Storage Device and Technology, Programming in C#, Software Project Management, Data Warehouse and Data Mining, Design and Analysis of Algorithms, Network Processors, Switching Circuits & Logic Design, Big Data Analytics

BTech Branch

BTech Computer Science Engineering

Type of class

Regular Classes, Crash Course

Class strength catered to

One on one/ Private Tutions, Group Classes

Taught in School or College


BSc Tuition

Class Location

Online (video chat via skype, google hangout etc)

Student's Home

Tutor's Home

Years of Experience in BSc Tuition


BSc Computer Science Subjects

Programming Fundamentals, Statistical Methodology, Software Testing, Data Communication and Computer Networks, Computer Graphics, Discrete Structures, Basic Statistics and Probability, Artificial Intelligence, Technical writing and communication in English, Combinatorial Optimisations, Microprocessors, Network programming and Administration, Operating Systems, Data Structures, Data Mining, Calculus and Matrices, Operational Research, Differential Equations, Theory of Computations, Digital Electronics, Real Analysis, Software Engineering, Calculus and Geometry, Internet Technologies, Information Security, Lab Based on Digital Electronics, Computer Systems Architecture

Type of class

Regular Classes, Crash Course

Class strength catered to

One on one/ Private Tutions, Group Classes

Taught in School or College


BSc Branch

BSc Computer Science, BSc Mathematics

BSc Mathematics Subjects

Biophysics, Economics, Probability and Statistics, Discrete Mathematics, Mathematical Finance, Mechanics, Chemistry, Calculus, Formal Logic, Analysis, Number Theory, Green Chemistry, Differential Equations and Mathematical Modelling, Fininacial Management, Algebra, Numerical Methods and Programming, Financial Accounting, Physics, Ethics in Public Domain, Environmental Issues in India, Geography, Biotechnology

Python Training classes

Class Location

Online (video chat via skype, google hangout etc)

Student's Home

Tutor's Home

Years of Experience in Python Training classes


Course Duration provided

3-6 months

Seeker background catered to


Certification provided


Python applications taught

Web Development with Python , GUI (Graphical User Interfaces) with Python

Teaching Experience in detail in Python Training classes

• Full stack developer Close to 7 years of industrial experience in Designing, Development, Deployment and maintenance of web apps based on Spring framework in Java and Django - Python platforms. • Experience of Programming using Object Oriented Programming (OOPs concept) and software development life cycle (SDLC), architecting scalable platforms, object oriented programming, database design and agile methodologies. • More than 4 years of Professional Web Apps development experience using Django and Flask inclusive of experience in UI using javascript, AngularJS and React-Redux. • Experience in using frameworks and tools like Django , Flask , Django REST , Hibernate ORM , Spring . • Experience working with Vagrant and Docker images and containers and Ansible . • Worked with Jenkins and CircleCI . • Proficient knowledge in Web services like Google Cloud and Amazon AWS Services. • Worked with varieties of Relational Databases ( RDBMS ) like SQLite, MySQL and Postgresql and NoSQL DBs like MongoDB and Cassandra . • Experience in installing softwares using pip command for python libraries like BeautifulSoup , numpy , Scipy, PySide, python-twitter, RabbitMQ, Celery , matplotlib, Pandas data-frame, uuid and used PEP8 coding convention. • Working on a new web app built in React and Redux using ES6. • Experience in using Spring Libraries like Log4j, ANT, Maven, and Apache to increase productivity and software quality. • Have worked with Spring Framework , J2EE Architecture and Apache Tomcat Server . • Experience in Developing reverse proxy using NGIX and Ansible to manage end user quarantine. • Strong experience using REST Web Services for data communication between remote systems, designed, developed and testing of REST interfaces in Java. • Installation, configuring and working with OSX10 Sierra, Ubuntu 14/16, Fedora23 and Red Hat Enterprise Linux server 5.0/6.0 on VMWare and stand-alone platforms. • Familiar with RaspberryPI and Raspbian OS for UART controlling. • Experience using GIT version control and testing deployments using Heroku. SKILLS: Languages: Python, Java, JavaScript, Angular, Bootstrap, Linux Shell Scripts. Frame Works: Django, Flask, Django Rest, Spring, Hibernate. Databases: Oracle, MS Access, MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, MongoDB, Cassendra. Tools & IDE: Pycharm, Microsoft Visual Code, Eclipse, NetBeans IDE, JIRA, Jenkin, CircleCI, Splunk RELEVANT EXPERIENCE: Confidential Full stack Python Developer, San Francisco, CA RESPONSIBILITIES: • Designed and developed the server module and resolved issues and responsible for its enhancements. • Architected and developed Python and Django for the backend development and front-end application using React, Webpack, Redux, and ES6/7 and PostgreSQL for database. • Worked on Django ORM module for signing complex queries. • Defined different Django API profiling techniques for faster rendering information. • Used Ansible, Vagrant and Docker for managing the application environments. • Worked on Django Signals, Celery and RabbitMQ queues. • Developed Python scripts for testing the car functioning on different services. • Worked with Splunk for testing the performance and debugging server level problems. • Implemented various Validation Controls for form validation and implemented custom validation controls using Object Oriented JavaScript. • Used React JS in components like JSX, creating React components, Virtual DOM, React Props, Lifecycle methods, working with React States and Events. • Developed Restful microservices using Flask and Django and deployed on AWS servers using EBS and EC2. • Developed views and templates with Django view controller and template to create a user-friendly website interface. • Used CircleCI for continuous integration and delivery platform over GIT. • Worked on multiple containers and managed the load balancing between all the containers using NGINX. • Used Django Migrations for designing and expanding of the database. • Automated most of the daily task using python scripting. • Worked on Jira for managing the tasks and improving the individual performance. • Making recommendations to the team in terms of appropriate testing techniques, shared testing tasks. Environments: Python 2.7, Django, DjangoRest, Flask, React, Redux, CircleCI, Vagrant, Splunk, New Relic Server, GitHub, Ansible, HTML5/CSS, PostgreSQL, Amazon Web Service (AWS), S3, EC2, EBS, Pycharm, Microsoft Vistual Code, Linux, Shell Scripting, JIRA. Confidential Full stack Python Developer, Fremont, CA RESPONSIBILITIES: • Designed and developed the complete admin module and resolved issues and enhanced the Admin module for more achievements. • Used Python programming and Django for the backend development, Boostrap and Angular for frontend connectivity and MongoDB for database. • Developed a Django ORM module queries that can pre-load data to reduce the number of databases queries needed to retrieve the same amount of data. • Worked on Docker and Ansible. • Used JavaScripts for data validations and designed validations modules. • Developed project's web page as Single Page Application (SPA) by using AngularJS and JavaScript API and build delivery driver application. • Developed views and templates with Django view controller and template to create a user-friendly website interface. • Used PandasAPI to put the data as time series and tabular format for local timestamp data manipulation and retrieval and storing it into MongoDB. • Deployed and tested different modules in Docker containers and GIT. • Used multiple containers and managed the load balancing between all the containers using NGINX. • Implemented programming automations using Jenkins and Ansible on unix/linux based OS over cloud like Docker. • Automated MySQL container deployment in Docker using Python and monitoring of these containers. • Used Python Library Beautiful Soup for web scrapping to extract data for building graphs • Uploaded the admin module on Elastic Bean Stalk (EBS) and EC2 and stored the static files in S3 on Amazon cloud. • Automated most of the task using python scripting, RaspberryPI and Raspbian OS, and Unix/Linux shell Scripting. • Developed leadership skills and managing the team spirit. Environments: Python 2.7, Django, DjangoRest, Flask, AngularJS, Javascript Validation, Jenkins, Dockers, Container, GitHub, Ansible, RaspberryPI, Raspbian, HTML5/CSS, MS SQL Server 2013, Amazon Web Service (AWS), S3, EC2, EBS, MySQL, JavaScript, Pycharm, Linux, Shell Scripting, JIRA. Confidential Python Developer, Bethesda, MD RESPONSIBILITIES: • Create application using Django using RESTful API. • Ensured high quality data collection and maintaining the integrity of the data. Designed and developed the UI of the website using HTML, AJAX, CSS and JavaScript. Designed and developed the data management system using MySQL. • Build SQL queries for performing various CRUD operations like create, update, read and delete. • Used Django Database API's to access database objects. • Handled all the client side validation using JavaScript and jQuery. • Creating unit test/regression test framework for working/creating new code. • Build all Database Mapping classes using Django Generic, Class and functioned based methods. • File handling for the client data in files like .txt and .xlxs file for data retrieve and storing purpose. Graphical data representation using python modules like Numpy, SciPy, Pandas, Pygal and installed using pip command toolkit. • Data Exchanges and sorting as per customer requirement between Database and Files. • Enhanced existing automated solutions, such as the Inquiry Tool for automated Asset Department reporting and added new features and fixed bugs. • Used PEP coding convention for making code more understandable. • Responsible for debugging and troubleshooting the web application. Environments: Django, JavaScript, MySQL, Numpy, SciPy, Pandas API, PEP, PIP, unit and regression testing, Rest Framework, Data handling and sorting. Confidential Python Software Engineer, Los Angeles, CA RESPONSIBILITIES: • Involved in various phases of Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) such as requirements gathering, modeling, analysis, design and development. • Involved in the process of creating Use-case diagrams, Activity flow diagrams, Class diagrams and Object diagrams in the design phase and developed the Coding module. • Created Python and Bash tools to increase efficiency of call center application system and operations, data conversion scripts, REST, JSON, and CRUD scripts for API Integration. • Automation of unit testing using Python. • Used Unix/Linux OS based cloud for the deployment. • Wrote scripts in Python for extracting data from HTML file using Python library Beautiful Soup. • Experience with Data migration from Sqlite3 to MongoDB. • Build the Silent Circle Management System (SCMC) in Django, Python, and AngularJS while integrating with infrastructure services. • Created a Python/Django based web application using Python scripting for data processing, MySQL for the database, and HTML/CSS/JQuery and High Charts for data visualization of the served pages. • Strong Socket programming experience in Python. Implemented complex networking operations like race route, SMTP mail server and web server. • Used standard Python modules e.g. csv, robot parser, iter tools, pickle, jinja variables, lxml for development. • Managed, developed, and designed a dashboard control panel for customers and Administrators using Django, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Bootstrap, JQuery and RESTAPI calls. • Performed troubleshooting, fixed and deployed many Python bug fixes of the two main applications that were a main source of data for both customers and internal customer service team. • Experienced in Agile Methodologies and SCRUM Process. Environments: Python, Django, REST API, Agile, Heroku, Bootstrap, pickle, jinja, SMTP, Django ORM, Pandas api, MongoDB, Beautiful Soup. Confidential J2EE Developer RESPONSIBILITIES: • Involved in the project analysis, design, and implementation & debugging. • Worked closely with different stakeholders of the system to understand their needs for this system integration. • Implemented the Spring MVC architecture. • Worked on Restful API development using Jersey API. • Worked on different J2EE Design Patterns such as Factory Pattern and Singleton. • Created User Interface screens using HTML, AJAX, CSS, Java script • Developed Action classes, ActionForms, and Struts Configuration file to handle required UI actions, JSPs for Views. • Developed build scripts to generate EAR and WAR files Tomcat Server. • Developed server side presentation layer using Spring MVC Framework using Maven. • Used the light weight container of the Spring Frame work to provide architectural flexibility for inversion of controller (IOC). • Performed Inheritance based Object Relational Mappings in tables to simplify the data using HibernateORM. • Used Eclipse IDE and deployed the application on Web Logic application over Apache Tomcat server. • Debugging and testing of the applications & fine tuning performance. Provided maintenance support in production environment. • Unit tested all the classes using JUNIT at various class level and methods level. Environments: Java, J2EE, Spring MVC Framework, JSP, JSTL, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, XML, Log4J, Ant, Oracle, Tomcat, REST, Servlets, Hibernate, POJO, Restful Services.

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Answers by Neel Mani (7)

Answered on 31/07/2017 Learn IT Courses/Java

This is used to refer current class object. this with parentheses creates current class constructor
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Answered on 06/06/2017 Learn Tuition/BCA Tuition +1 Tuition/BCA Tuition/Computer Oriented Numerical Techniques

28 day period
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Answered on 24/04/2017 Learn Tuition/BA Tuition +1 Tuition/BA Tuition/English

Step1-Go to Profile. Step2-Under it go to conducted classes. Step3-Under it uncheck unwanted options like 'online classes','home tution'. Step4-Save it
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Answered on 24/04/2017 Learn Tuition/Class XI-XII Tuition (PUC)

3cos3x - 4sin4x
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Answered on 22/04/2017 Learn Tuition/Class XI-XII Tuition (PUC)

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Neel Mani describes himself as 20 years of teaching,academics and engineering. He conducts classes in BSc Tuition, BTech Tuition and Class 6 Tuition. Neel is located in Sultanpuri Ratan Vihar, Delhi. Neel takes at students Home and Regular Classes- at his Home. He has 20 years of teaching experience . Neel has completed Bachelor of Engineering (B.E.) from Magadh University in 2007. HeĀ is well versed in Hindi and English.


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