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When it comes to the CAT exam, its not summing up of all scores to get an aggregate mark. The CAT score has two versions – raw score and scaled score, that are vividly explained below.
Added to the above two, the CAT exam mark sheet also contains sectional score, percentile score and totaled score.
All CAT scores are published in the official website of IIM during the month of January.
Here is explaining the CAT scoring pattern with all minute highlights:
CAT Score
In CAT exam, the total score is 360.
For each right answer students get +3.
For wrong answer, there is negative marking of -1.
For not answering questions,there is no deduction or addition of marks in CAT exam.
CAT Raw Score
The CAT raw score is calculated for each of the three sections of CAT exam. This is calculated based on the number of questions answered right, wrong and unattempted by a CAT exam candidate. The sum total of right answers by a candidate and the number of wrong answers are calculated to reach the CAT raw score.
CAT Scaled Score
Based on the CAT raw score, a CAT examinee receives their respective CAT scaled score. The derivation from CAT raw score to scaled score is done by a statistical process called equating. To ensure unbiased interpretation of raw to scaled score, the scores are placed on a common scale or metric referred to as the IIM scaling model. Many a times the Prometric’s scoring system is also used for equating CAT raw and scaled score.
CAT Percentile Score
Based on the CAT Scaled score, the percentile score of a CAT candidate can be calculated. To state an example, the scaled score of CAT Topper 2015 Rajeev Reddy was 89.03 in quantitative aptitude and 86.74 in VA & RC. This made Rajeev’s percentile score come to 99.99, and overall scaled score to 242. on 2017-02-17 14:52:43 by academics. Last Modified on 2017-02-17 14:52:43
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