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You should not opt for an exam like CAT just because of its popularity. When you know why you are appearing for the CAT exam, your determination will be more and so will be the success rate. Also, if your goal is IIT after clearing CAT exam then the study map and the study map if you are planning for CAT exam for MBA studies differs. Its important that at the very first place you find out why you want to take up the CAT exam and also have an idea what follows next. That’s one of the key determinant of your CAT score.
Here are stating some other tips that you can follow once assured of the decision that you are taking up the CAT exam:
Model or mock tests
CAT is not show casing what you know. Its about cracking a set of questions in the stipulated three hours. To do that, first you need to know the question pattern of CAT exam and also, the strategies to solve them. While books and study materials will let you know the question pattern but whether you can solve it all in the designated time can be judged only when you take up model or mock CAT exams conducted privately by CAT teachers and coaching. Appearing for CAT model or mock exam will help you become confident about the exam day.
Personalized study methodology
Students are diverse in nature. While you find logical reasoning as your strength, quant might be the cup of tea for your friend. So based on your own weakness and strength prepare two copies. In one list all questions that you are sure about and in the other, list questions that you are uncomfortable with. Try spending more time with the copy that has your difficult questions but neither miss out on the copy with your kind of CAT questions.
CAT test day plan
In CAT exam, students are allowed to shift between sections and answer questions based on their comfort zones. However, in the process student might miss to finish a particular section in the hurry to complete other. Its therefore recommended to divide the three hours of CAT exam for respective section and make sure, that maximum questions are answered in the span. Time management is one of the key to score good in the CAT exam.
Reading books for CAT exam
As a CAT student you have to read books but here is suggesting a smarter way to read books of CAT exam and thereby score good. When browsing books of CAT exam, consider each solved example question one by one and solve them in your copy. You can see and do every step once. Then, close the book and try solving the same question without looking at the book. If at one go you cannot understand the question, do continue doing it until you understand completely.
Myth about CAT exam
A popular myth about CAT exam is, its multiple choice question based. In recent times CAT exam has questions that do not offer optional answers to pick from. For these questions, answers are to be directly put on screen. As the trend is new these sample questions are only available in latest editions of CAT books.
CAT coaching
All major cities of India has CAT coaching centers. Its recommended for every CAT aspirant to attend one of these coaching when there is ample time in hand. The coaching has pre-fixed study plan well suited with available time, that makes preparing for CAT exam faster.
Fundamentals and shortcuts
As mentioned earlier, CAT is all about answering the maximum number of questions in the stipulated three hours. Its therefore recommended while learning CAT question pattern, know the shortcuts and formulas that will let you solve the answers faster. Taking the longer and elaborate method might effect your time management in CAT exam.
Use elimination method
On the test day of CAT exam, you should use the elimination method. It means you will answer questions that you can and skip the ones you cant. Wasting all three hours to solve one CAT question can surely hamper your CAT exam score. Hence, start with the elimination method and then, get back to questions that you did not attempt, when you are done with the rest.
Right communication
Alone studying is not the only way for a good score in CAT exam. You should also interact with right set of people before CAT exam who can guide and help you to prepare better. The list includes your teachers, mentors, peers and friends – who all have a clear idea about CAT exam. Also, try to get in touch with successful CAT students of previous years for further communication about CAT exam.
Last minute tip
CAT exam is prepared before hand when there are months left in hand. Balance your preparation before hand. If you stack everything to manage at the last minute before CAT exam, then that’s surely a wrong call. on 2017-02-17 14:45:02 by academics. Last Modified on 2017-02-17 14:45:02
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