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To keep all probable career options wide available and also seek a bright future ahead, MBA aspirants appear for many kinds of entrance exams like ATMA – AIMS TEST FOR MANAGEMENT ADMISSIONS, IBSAT (IBS APTITUDE TEST), XAT, MAT, FMS, IIFT, JMET, SNAP, ATMA, NMAT and so on. Of all the common entrance exams MBA aspirants appear the most common one is CAT exam. In fact, if looked at the priority bucket of MBA aspiring students, CAT is a mandate for them.
Alone popularity of the exam cannot convince all to appear for the CAT exam.
So how does CAT exam benefit the career of a MBA aspirant over entrance exam?
Here is stating the probable reasons why CAT exam is a mandate for all MBA aspirants:
a) CBT Exam
CAT is a computer based test (CBT) which any management student should be able to crack. As an aspiring management student its expected that candidates will be familiar with the CBT question pattern. In case you are not well versed with the use of computer then please master it before you head to the CAT exam center. The CBT pattern and its user friendliness with the candidate helps to judge the latter’s computer knowledge.
b) Use of calculator
The CAT exam permits the use of on-screen calculator which makes solving the quant section, a little easy for students. Other entrance exams usually do not allow the use of calculators which makes maths very tough for students to crack. Also, in management courses the use of calculator is permitted and therefore, therefore the capability of the student is not hampered by the use of on-screen calculator in CAT exam.
c) Scoring pattern of CAT exam
The scoring pattern of CAT exam is worth a mention. For each correct answer student gets +3 marks while for wrong answers only -1 score is deducted. For unattempted questions, there is no marks deduction. There is also no negative marking in descriptive questions of CAT exam.
d) Question pattern of CAT exam
In CAT exam, there are two types of questions – MCQ and non MCQ/descriptive type. So, if a student is a weak in MCQ, they can score from the descriptive questions and vice versa. This ensures healthy scoring in CAT exam. In case of other main steam entrance exams, the weightage is more on MCQ questions which hinders the scope of good score.
e) Prosperous career opportunity
Clearing the CAT exam is the first doorway to pursue management study in 20 IIMs of the country. Other than IIMs, 100 top B-schools, colleges and institutes consider the CAT exam score when it comes to post graduate admission. CAT score is important for MBA and PGDM aspirants. on 2017-02-17 15:17:09 by academics. Last Modified on 2017-02-17 15:17:09
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