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Asked by Arunkumar S Last Modified
The main thing to remedy to karma is the Karma Yoga attitude. It’s not about other people. When you do karma Yoga, it’s not that you do service to other people. Of course, you have to have an attitude of service and of love, but really you are working out your karma, it is for yourself. It is the smartest way to turn your karma to dharma. Karma is that which binds you because of your inherited tendency of thinking in the past, and dharma is that which liberates you by the right thinking about your duty and what you are supposed to be doing in this life.
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Karma yoga purifies our heart ,mind and soul increase positivity, kindness, compassion, honor, gratefulness, generosity, love, and joy. Karma yoga reduces and removes negative emotions like hatred, fear, greed, selfishness, envy and jealous and takes us to sadkarma.
Ashtang yoga plays an important role in rectifying our karmas, there are 8 limbs of astang yoga first two teaches us:-
YAMA – Restraints, moral disciplines or moral vows.
NIYAMA – Positive duties or observances.
We can find out and resolve our karmas through surrendering to the God the Almighty and by practicing karma yoga which is all about sacrificing every action you do to the God keeping no intent to get something in return of it as stated in bhagvad geeta. Slowly this will diminish every samskaras in our mind and the mind will get the clarity by itself.
read lessBhagavad Gita said that nothing that you have done or studied or any effort that you have made will go to waste. It is a chain of lives and you improve your life slowly. To remedy to Karma, you need to understand that this personality, this life is not really the real picture. You have to learn to see the big picture of your soul’s life. It is the history of your soul.
read lessSachin
Professional Yoga Instructor | Orator | Cadet Pilot | Aspiring Aviator | Founder of The Yogshala
Yoga is a subtle art, to best understand this concept one should acquaint themselves with eight stages of holistic evolution (Ashtanga Yoga; reference from Srimad Bhagavad Gita and Patanjali Yog Sutras). These stages bind you to the pure nature of soul and there is no end to this divine prophecy, it lifts you up, sheds the burden of karma and finally liberates oneself.
read lessMaruti Raut
The Mind Is Everything, Yoga Makes It Positive and Breathe In Peace, Breathe Out Stress.
YAMA – Restraints, moral disciplines or moral vows
There are five yamas in hatha yoga
1)Ahimsa (non-violence),
2)Satya (truthfulness),
3)Asteya (non-stealing),
4)Brahmacharya (right use of energy), and
5)Aparigraha (non-greed or non-hoarding).
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