This is one of my videos of word problems of quadratic equations.
There are more of them, one can go through and get an idea of the topic quadratic equations
A number between 0 and 1 that describes the likelihood of an event occurring. A probability of 0 means the event is impossible, and a probability of 1 means the event is certain.
Are you scared of numerical? Do you think you don't understand them? If yes, then read ahead.
See, it might be any exam, but numerical won't leave your back.
So let's talk about common problems and their...
I will solve a few questions which most students do in the wrong way.
Firstly, I will tell what students do and then the correct solution
1)The sum to infinity of the series
Solid State (25 Marks):
1. Name one solid which show both Frenkel defect & Schottky defect.
2. In a close packing of N spheres how many (i) tetrahedral (ii) octahedral sites are present?
3. Describe...