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Overcome Overwhelm

Zenith School Of Leadership
30/03/2021 0 0

Do you recall when a lot of things seemed to be happening at the same time - projects, exams, classes, internships, personal commitments etc. - and life seemed like an absolute mess? Have you also experience an emotional overwhelm & lashed out, cried or just became silent when there was too much on your plate to handle?

Don't worry; here are tips that will come in handy when you feel overloaded with work:

  • De-clutter: Get rid of unnecessary stuff that you don't need. Less is more; keep only the things that serve you a purpose.
  • Organize: Organize your living/work area. Look at your cupboard. How does it look like? Organized? Disorganized? That is a reflection of your life. Orderliness prevents overwhelm.
  • A warrior, not a victim: Let go of the feeling that you worked so hard, yet your life is a mess. Take charge of the situation like the winner that you are and work towards avoiding the pile-up.
  • Change: If you still feel overwhelmed, take a step back & introspect. Think - 'What can I do better?'. Take control of the situation & introduce changes.
  • Prioritize Set priorities. Avoid over-committing just to please others. Honour your commitments & fulfil the promises you made to people, including yourself.

Overcoming overwhelm is a matter of firm determination. Determine to take control and wave overwhelm goodbye!

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