What is Spirituality?
What is Spirituality?
- Becoming life sensitive.
- Expanding Consciousness
- Being Aware
- Becoming aesthetic (Finding beauty everywhere)
- In search of peace of mind
- Transcending sufferings or pain
- Going beyond five senses
- Going beyond the materialistic world
- Thinking about who created this universe, What will happen after death? From where I came?
- Realizing the self
- Searching for"I".
- Insereach or seeking the truth.
- Want to understand reality.
- Developing love and compassion
- Becoming thoughtless
- Seeing things as it is.
- Dissolving Ego
- Stoping desire
- Becoming selfless
- Acceptance in the world
- Law of less effort
- Becoming Shunya or empty
- Undualiy or Adawit
- Christ consciousness or cosmic consciousness
- Seeking permanent.
- Experience of oneness