Objective: In this lesson, beginners will learn the basics of effective communication to improve their interactions in everyday situations. By the end of the session, students will...
*LETS Practice* "A Wise Old Owl"There was an old owl who lived in an oak tree. Every day, he observed incidents that occurred around him.Yesterday, he watched as a young boy helped an old man carry a heavy...
1. A herd of cows/cattle/deer 2. A flock of sheep 3. A gang of thieves 4. A flight of steps 5. A pack of cards 6. A class of students 7. A crew of sailors 8. A pack of wolves/dogs 9. A pride of...
In reality, the business English speaking courses is not that different from the general courses, because both focus on the core skills in reading, fluency, listening and writing. This is the reason why...