This is beginner level class. This course does not require any prior knowledge or experience in yoga. Surya Namaskar or Sun salutation comprises twelve asanas in it. Each position counteracts the one before, stretching the body in a different way and alternately expanding and contracting the chest to regulate the breathing. I will teach how to do it properly with mantra from the scratch. And by the end of this course students can do 10+ surya namaskar daily.
You will learn through this course:
- To master of each steps precisely
- To aquire expertise in adjustments, alignment, and proper limb placement in each step
- To breath correctly positionwise
- To practice Sun salutation with authentic mantra chanting.
- To understand it benefits and contraindications.
- Last not the least to understand the holistic impact of Surya namaskar, spanning the physical, physiological, psychological, emotional, and spiritual dimensions.
Come and be a master of Surya Namaskar: Hatha yoga style