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Post a LessonAnswered on 23 Feb Learn French Language
Arnab Kundu
Non-native French speakers often make the following common mistakes:
1. Gender Errors – Confusing masculine and feminine nouns (e.g., le voiture instead of la voiture).
2. Wrong Verb Conjugation – Using incorrect verb forms, especially irregular verbs (e.g., je prend instead of je prends).
3. Incorrect Prepositions – Misusing prepositions (e.g., je vais à Paris vs. je vais en France).
4. Omitting Articles – French requires definite/indefinite articles more than English (e.g., J’aime chocolat instead of J’aime le chocolat).
5. False Friends (Faux Amis) – Words that look similar in English and French but have different meanings (e.g., attendre means to wait, not to attend).
6. Pronunciation Issues – Struggling with nasal sounds, silent letters, and liaison rules.
7. Using the Wrong Past Tense – Confusing passé composé and imparfait (e.g., il était tombé instead of il est tombé).
8. Overusing Direct Translations – Translating word-for-word from their native language, leading to unnatural phrases.
9. Neglecting Formality – Using tu instead of vous in formal situations.
10. Misplacing Adjectives – Some adjectives change meaning based on position (e.g., un grand homme means a great man, while un homme grand means a tall man).
Answered on 22 Feb Learn French Language
Chandrabhan Vithal Zarekar
Yoga tutor at home teaching since 20years
1 Amour. Love
2.Douceur. Sweetness
3. Chuchoter. Whisper
4. Reve. Dream
5 Belle. Beautiful
6.Beau. Handsome,beautiful
7.Enchante. delighted
8.Tendresse. Tenderness
read lessAnswered on 28 Feb Learn French Language
Pragati Chandrawanshi
Spoken English Trainer with 5years of experience
Learn Advanced Placement Tests Coaching from the Best Tutors
Answered on 01 Mar Learn French Language
Pragati Chandrawanshi
Spoken English Trainer with 5years of experience
Answered on 23 Feb Learn French Language
Arnab Kundu
French is considered moderately easy to learn, especially for English speakers, but it has some challenges. Here’s a breakdown:
Why French is Easy
✅ Similar Vocabulary – Since English has many French-derived words (restaurant, hotel, menu, fiancé), vocabulary learning is easier.
✅ Straightforward Sentence Structure – French follows Subject-Verb-Object order, like English.
✅ No Tones – Unlike languages like Mandarin, French pronunciation doesn’t rely on tone changes.
✅ Lots of Learning Resources – There are many apps, courses, and immersion opportunities.
Why French Can Be Difficult
❌ Pronunciation & Silent Letters – Words aren’t always pronounced as they’re spelled (beaucoup sounds like boh-koo).
❌ Gendered Nouns – Every noun is either masculine or feminine, which can be confusing.
❌ Complex Verb Conjugations – French has many verb tenses and irregular verbs (aller → je vais, tu vas, il va).
❌ Liaison & Elision Rules – Words sometimes connect or change pronunciation based on the next word.
Final Verdict
For English speakers, French is easier than languages like Arabic or Chinese but harder than Spanish or Dutch. If you stay consistent and practice speaking, it’s very manageable!
read lessAnswered on 01 Mar Learn French Language
Pragati Chandrawanshi
Spoken English Trainer with 5years of experience
No, Thai is not a French language; it belongs to the Tai language family, which is part of the Kra-Dai language family, and is spoken in Thailand, while French is a Romance language spoken primarily in France and other parts of Europe.
Key points:
Thai language family: Tai (part of Kra-Dai)
French language family: Roman
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Answered on 28 Feb Learn French Language
Pragati Chandrawanshi
Spoken English Trainer with 5years of experience
Answered on 01 Mar Learn French Language
Pragati Chandrawanshi
Spoken English Trainer with 5years of experience
Answered on 01 Mar Learn French Language
Pragati Chandrawanshi
Spoken English Trainer with 5years of experience
Learn Advanced Placement Tests Coaching from the Best Tutors
Answered on 01 Mar Learn French Language
Pragati Chandrawanshi
Spoken English Trainer with 5years of experience
Yes, there is a growing scope for French language proficiency in India, particularly in business, education, tourism, and international organizations, due to India's economic ties with French-speaking countries and the increasing demand for French-speaking professionals in various sectors like technology, engineering, and defense; making learning French a valuable skill in the Indian job market.
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