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Is IELTS band 7 enough for Canadian PR?

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Hi, if you score a 7 in each component it should be enough for the canadian PR, however please note it will be best for you to consult your immigration consultant for the exact IELTS requirement.

Certified IELTS Trainer- 14 years - Rank 1 from last 4 years

Hi Praful, currently you will need L-8 , R-7, W-7 and S-7. This is the average score needed to be a Permanent Resident (PR) in Canada. However, the more you score the better are the chances for you to be a resident in your destination country. Prepare well. Please do not take it lightly. All the best...
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Hi Praful, currently you will need L-8 , R-7, W-7 and S-7. This is the average score needed to be a Permanent Resident (PR) in Canada. However, the more you score the better are the chances for you to be a resident in your destination country. Prepare well. Please do not take it lightly. All the best :)

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Expert PTE and IELTS Trainer with 20 years of experience

It entirely depends on your profile and experience, because recently my client who scored 7 on Speaking, Reading,Writing and 8.5 on Listening could clear for express entry because of his Listening with 447, whereas he needed 446 CRS only. So it depends.

Red Hat Linux Python IT professional Training

Express Entry: 6 bands in each module (Listening, Reading, Writing, and Speaking) PNP: 6 bands in each module (Listening, Reading, Writing, and Speaking) SINP Occupation in-demand stream: 4.5 bands in each module (listening, Reading, writing, and Speaking) so as per the above information you are eligible...
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Express Entry: 6 bands in each module (Listening, Reading, Writing, and Speaking)

PNP: 6 bands in each module (Listening, Reading, Writing, and Speaking)

SINP Occupation in-demand stream: 4.5 bands in each module (listening, Reading, writing, and Speaking) so as per the above information you are eligible for PR in IELTS BAND 7. If you need more information regarding this then contact me.

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Yes if you are below 30 yrs of age, no if you are above 30.


Yes, The IELTS is a globally trusted language examination for English. It is also one of the two English language tests whose scores are considered valid for proving language proficiency. Language requirement is the most important part of Canada visa. You must score at least 6 bands in IELTS to be eligible...
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Yes, The IELTS is a globally trusted language examination for English. It is also one of the two English language tests whose scores are considered valid for proving language proficiency. Language requirement is the most important part of Canada visa. You must score at least 6 bands in IELTS to be eligible for Canada PR card. read less

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If a candidate is applying for Canada Permanent Residency, the minimum IELTS requirements are as follow: i. Express Entry: 6 bands in each module (listening, reading, writing, and speaking). ii. PNP: 6 bands in each module (listening, reading, writing, and speaking). iii. SINP: Occupation in-demand stream...
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If a candidate is applying for Canada Permanent Residency, the minimum IELTS requirements are as follow:

i. Express Entry: 6 bands in each module (listening, reading, writing, and speaking).

ii. PNP: 6 bands in each module (listening, reading, writing, and speaking).

iii. SINP: Occupation in-demand stream with 4.5 bands in. each module (listening, reading, writing, and speaking).

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You need to get 8,7, 7, 7 for express entry if you dont get selected you will have to wait till provincial . You can chk my website for https://visaaacademy.com

Yes scoring band 7 is enough although it depends on the requirement of the company.

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