
Pragathi Kumar

Expert in teaching

Bolarum, Hyderabad, India - 500010

Verified 22 Students

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Class 10 Tuition

Class Location

Online Classes (Video Call via UrbanPro LIVE)

Student's Home

Tutor's Home

Years of Experience in Class 10 Tuition


NIOS Subjects taught

Accountancy, Mathematics, Science, Information and Comunication Technology, English, Social science, Elements of business, Political Science, Hindi, Telugu, Computer Practices


IGCSE, State, ICSE, CBSE, NIOS, International Baccalaureate

State boards taught

Odisha State Board, Uttar Pradesh State Board, Uttarakhand State Board, Andhra Pradesh State Board, Kerala State Board, Telangana State Board, Rajasthan State Board, Karnataka State Board, West Bengal State Board, Bihar State Board, Maharashtra State Board, Punjab State Board, Delhi State Board, Gujarat State Board, Himachal Pradesh State Board, Tamil Nadu State Board

IB Subjects taught

Biology, Social Science, History, Environmental Management, Chemistry, Geography, Mathematics, Global Perspectives, Physics

Preferred class strength

One on one/ Private Tutions

CBSE Subjects taught

Computer Practices, English, Hindi, Mathematics, Elements of business, Information and Comunication Technology, Science, Telugu, Social science, Political Science, Accountancy

ICSE Subjects taught

EVS, Economic Application, Computer Application, History and Civics, English Literature, Commercial Applications, Commercial Studies, Political Science, Environmental Applications, Biology, Mathematics, Economics, Technical Drawing Applications, Physics, English, Chemistry, Geography, Hindi

IGCSE Subjects taught

Business Studies, Global Perspectives, History, Business Studies, Computer Science, Geography, Mathematics, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Economics, Environmental Management

Experience in School or College

15+ years of experience

Taught in School or College


State Syllabus Subjects taught

EVS, Social Science, Hindi, Mathematics, Science, Telugu, English

Teaching Experience in detail in Class 10 Tuition

First Identify the abilities of the student in terms of Understanding, Remembering, Reproducing and time Management. Then I will plan accordingly based on strength and weakness of the students. At the end of the day excelling the strength of student is important.

Class 12 Tuition

Class Location

Online Classes (Video Call via UrbanPro LIVE)

Student's Home

Tutor's Home

Years of Experience in Class 12 Tuition


NIOS Subjects taught

Accountancy, Physics, Geography, Engineering Graphics, Economics, Business Studies, Biology, Computer Science, History, Mathematics, Chemistry


AS/A levels, CBSE, State, IGCSE, ISC/ICSE, International Baccalaureate, NIOS

IB Subjects taught

Economics, EVS, Geography, Chemistry, Computer Science, Mathematics, Physics, History, Biology, Business and Management

Preferred class strength

Group Classes, One on one/ Private Tutions

ISC/ICSE Subjects taught

Accounts, Mathematics, Chemistry, History, English, Computer Science, Geography, Biology, Economics, English Literature, Commerce, Physics

CBSE Subjects taught

Geography, Physics, Entrepreneurship, Business Studies, History, Computer Science, Engineering Graphics, Biology, Electronics, Economics, Informatics practices, Mathematics, Accountancy, English, Chemistry, Applied Mathematics

IGCSE Subjects taught

Economics, History, Mathematics, Chemistry, Social science, Geography, Physics, Business Studies, Biology, Accounts, Environmental Management, Computer Science

Experience in School or College


State board looking for

Odisha State Board, Uttar Pradesh State Board, Uttarakhand State Board, Andhra Pradesh State Board, Kerala State Board, Telangana State Board, Rajasthan State Board, Karnataka State Board, West Bengal State Board, Bihar State Board, Maharashtra State Board, Punjab State Board, Delhi State Board, Gujarat State Board, Himachal Pradesh State Board, Tamil Nadu State Board

Taught in School or College


State Syllabus Subjects taught

History, Chemistry, Engineering Graphics, Business Studies, Economics, Electronics, Computer Science, Hindi, Mathematics, Accountancy, Physics, Political Science, Statistics, Telugu, Geography, Biology, Political Science, English

AS/A Level Subject

Physics, Business, Chemistry, Environmental Management, Geography, Biology, Computer Science, Accounting

Teaching Experience in detail in Class 12 Tuition

First Identify the abilities of the student in terms of Understanding, Remembering, Reproducing and time Management. Then I will plan accordingly based on strength and weakness of the students. At the end of the day excelling the strength of student is important.

Class 9 Tuition

Class Location

Online Classes (Video Call via UrbanPro LIVE)

Student's Home

Tutor's Home

Years of Experience in Class 9 Tuition


NIOS Subjects taught

Accountancy, Mathematics, Science, Information and Comunication Technology, Social science, Telugu, Computer Practices


IGCSE, State, ICSE, CBSE, NIOS, International Baccalaureate

State boards taught

Odisha State Board, Uttar Pradesh State Board, Uttarakhand State Board, Andhra Pradesh State Board, Kerala State Board, Telangana State Board, Rajasthan State Board, Karnataka State Board, West Bengal State Board, Bihar State Board, Maharashtra State Board, Punjab State Board, Delhi State Board, Gujarat State Board, Himachal Pradesh State Board, Tamil Nadu State Board

IB Subjects taught

Biology, Social Science, History, Computers, Environmental Management, Chemistry, Geography, Mathematics, Global Perspectives, Physics

Preferred class strength

Group Classes, One on one/ Private Tutions

CBSE Subjects taught

Computer Practices, English, Hindi, Mathematics, Elements of business, Information and Comunication Technology, Science, Telugu, Social science, Accountancy

ICSE Subjects taught

Economic Application, Computer Application, History and Civics, English Literature, Environmental Applications, Mathematics, Technical Drawing Applications, Economics, Physics, English, Chemistry, Geography, Hindi

IGCSE Subjects taught

Business Studies, Global Perspectives, Geography, Biology, History, Business Studies, Information Technology, Computer Science, Mathematics, Chemistry, Physics, Economics, Environmental Management

Experience in School or College

20+ years of experience

Taught in School or College


State Syllabus Subjects taught

EVS, Social Science, Hindi, Mathematics, Science, Telugu, English

Teaching Experience in detail in Class 9 Tuition

First Identify the abilities of the student in terms of Understanding, Remembering, Reproducing and time Management. Then I will plan accordingly based on strength and weakness of the students. At the end of the day excelling the strength of student is important.

Class 11 Tuition

Class Location

Online Classes (Video Call via UrbanPro LIVE)

Student's Home

Tutor's Home

Years of Experience in Class 11 Tuition


NIOS Subjects taught

Accountancy, Physics, Geography, Biotechnology, Engineering Graphics, Economics, Business Studies, Biology, History, Mathematics, Chemistry


AS/A levels, CBSE, State, IGCSE, ISC/ICSE, International Baccalaureate, NIOS

State boards taught

Odisha State Board, Uttar Pradesh State Board, Uttarakhand State Board, Andhra Pradesh State Board, Kerala State Board, Telangana State Board, Rajasthan State Board, Karnataka State Board, West Bengal State Board, Bihar State Board, Maharashtra State Board, Punjab State Board, Delhi State Board, Gujarat State Board, Himachal Pradesh State Board, Tamil Nadu State Board

IB Subjects taught

Economics, Geography, Chemistry, Computer Science, Mathematics, Physics, History, Biology, Business and Management

Preferred class strength

Group Classes, One on one/ Private Tutions

ISC/ICSE Subjects taught

Accounts, Mathematics, Chemistry, Electronics, History, English, Computer Science, Geography, Applied Mathematics, Economics, English Literature, Physics

CBSE Subjects taught

Economics, Geography, Mathematics, Accountancy, Physics, English, History, Chemistry, Biology

IGCSE Subjects taught

Economics, History, Mathematics, Chemistry, Social science, Geography, Physics, Business Studies, Biology, Accounts, Environmental Management

Experience in School or College

20+ years of experience

Taught in School or College


State Syllabus Subjects taught

History, Chemistry, Business Studies, Economics, Electronics, Hindi, Mathematics, Accountancy, Physics, Statistics, Telugu, Geography, Biology, English

AS/A Level Subject

Physics, Business, Chemistry, Environmental Management, Mathematics, Geography, Biology, Accounting

Teaching Experience in detail in Class 11 Tuition

First Identify the abilities of the student in terms of Understanding, Remembering, Reproducing and time Management. Then I will plan accordingly based on strength and weakness of the students. At the end of the day excelling the strength of student is important.

Class 8 Tuition

Class Location

Online Classes (Video Call via UrbanPro LIVE)

Student's Home

Tutor's Home

Years of Experience in Class 8 Tuition


NIOS Subjects taught

Telugu, EVS, Mathematics, Science, Computers, Social Science


International Baccalaureate, ICSE, State, DAV board, NIOS, CBSE, IGCSE

State boards taught

Odisha State Board, Uttar Pradesh State Board, Uttarakhand State Board, Andhra Pradesh State Board, Kerala State Board, Telangana State Board, Rajasthan State Board, Karnataka State Board, West Bengal State Board, Bihar State Board, Maharashtra State Board, Punjab State Board, Delhi State Board, Gujarat State Board, Himachal Pradesh State Board, Tamil Nadu State Board

IB Subjects taught

Science, Computers, Mathematics

Preferred class strength

Group Classes, One on one/ Private Tutions

CBSE Subjects taught

Telugu, Mathematics, Computers, EVS, Science, Social Science

ICSE Subjects taught

Mathematics, Biology, Physics, History, Geography, Computer Science, Chemistry, Telugu, EVS

IGCSE Subjects taught

Science, Mathematics

Taught in School or College


State Syllabus Subjects taught

Mathematics, Science, Social science, Telugu

Teaching Experience in detail in Class 8 Tuition

First Identify the abilities of the student in terms of Understanding, Remembering, Reproducing and time Management. Then I will plan accordingly based on strength and weakness of the students. At the end of the day excelling the strength of student is important.

Class 7 Tuition

Class Location

Online Classes (Video Call via UrbanPro LIVE)

Student's Home

Tutor's Home

Years of Experience in Class 7 Tuition


NIOS Subjects taught

Telugu, EVS, Mathematics, Science, Computers, Social Science


International Baccalaureate, ICSE, State, DAV board, NIOS, CBSE, IGCSE

State boards taught

Odisha State Board, Uttar Pradesh State Board, Uttarakhand State Board, Andhra Pradesh State Board, Kerala State Board, Telangana State Board, Rajasthan State Board, Karnataka State Board, West Bengal State Board, Bihar State Board, Maharashtra State Board, Punjab State Board, Delhi State Board, Gujarat State Board, Himachal Pradesh State Board, Tamil Nadu State Board

IB Subjects taught

Science, Computers, Mathematics

CBSE Subjects taught

Telugu, Mathematics, Computers, EVS, Science, Social Science

ICSE Subjects taught

Mathematics, Biology, Physics, History, Geography, Computer Science, Chemistry, Telugu, EVS

IGCSE Subjects taught

Science, Mathematics

Experience in School or College

15+ years of experience

Taught in School or College


State Syllabus Subjects taught

Mathematics, EVS, Science, Social science, Telugu

Teaching Experience in detail in Class 7 Tuition

First Identify the abilities of the student in terms of Understanding, Remembering, Reproducing and time Management. Then I will plan accordingly based on strength and weakness of the students. At the end of the day excelling the strength of student is important.

Engineering Diploma Tuition

Class Location

Online Classes (Video Call via UrbanPro LIVE)

Student's Home

Tutor's Home

Years of Experience in Engineering Diploma Tuition


Engineering Diploma Branch

Automobile Engineering Diploma, Production Engineering Diploma, Computer Engineering Diploma, Electronics, Chemical Engineering Diploma, Electrical Engineering Diploma, Mechanical Engineering Diploma, Engineering Diploma 1st Year, Civil Engineering Diploma, Information Technology Engineering Diploma

Mechanical Engineering Diploma Subject

Power Plant Engineering, Computer Programming, Theory of Machines & Mechanisms, Professional Practices, Mechanical Engineering Drawing, Design of Machine Elements, Industrial Fluid Power, Refrigeration & AirConditioning, Mechanical Engineering Materials, Automobile Engineering, Industrial Project, Material Handling Systems, Industrial Project & Entrepreneurship Development, Fluid Mechanics and Machinery, Tool Engineering, CAD-CAM & Automation, Electrical Engineering, Mechatronics, Management, Power Engineering, Production Processes, Measurements & Control, Production Technology, Advanced Manufacturing Processes, Metrology & Quality Control, Fundamentals of Electronics, Thermal Engineering, Manufacturing Technology, Applied Mathematics, Development of life Skill, Strength of Materials, Alternate Energy Sources & Management

Information Technology Engineering Diploma Subject

Relational Data Base Management Systems, Network Management and Administration, Multimedia and Animation Techniques, Entrepreneurship Development, Operating System, Microprocessor & Programming, Software Engineering, Management Information Systems, Communication Techniques, Advanced Web Technology, Computer Architecture & Maintenance, Embedded System, Digital Techniques

Production Engineering Diploma Subjects

Manufacturing Processes, Tool Design, Production Technology, Fundamentals of Electronics, Theory of Machines and Mechanisms, Mechatronics, Mechanical Engineering Materials, Electrical Technology, Cnc Machines And Tooling, Alternate Energy Sources And Management, Plant Engineering, Automobile Manufacturing System, Metrology & Quality Control, Machine Tool And Design, Industrial Fluid Power, Industrial Project, Heat Engineering, Applied Mathematics, Fluid mechanics and machinery, Management, Advanced Manufacturing Processes, Measurements And Control, Production Processes, Strength of Materials, Computer Programming, Mechanical Engineering Drawing

Engineering Diploma Subject

Basic Math, Applied Science ( Mechanical & Plastic ), Basic Workshop Practice, Basic Physics, Basic Chemistry, Engineering Mathematics, Workshop Drawing, Engineering Mechanics, Engineering Graphics, Computer Fundamentals

Computer Engineering Diploma Subject

Electrical Technology, Environmental Studies, Behavioral Science, Software Testing, Computer Network, Advanced Microprocessor, Entrepreneurship Development, Computer Graphics, Digital Techniques, Microprocessor and Programming, Software Engineering, Network Management Administration

Experience in School or College


Civil Engineering Diploma Subject

Building Services And Entrepreneurship Development, Geo Technical Engineering, Estimating & Costing, Plumbing Services, Concrete Technology, Theory Of Structures, Water shade Management, Highway Engineering, Hydraulics, Applied Mathematics (CE and ME Group), Contracts and Accounts, Design Of Steel Structures, Design of Structures, Building Construction, Environment Engineering, Maintenance and Rehabilitation of Structures, Advanced Construction Techniques and Equipments, Computer Aided Drawing, Advance Surveying, Rural Engineering, Architectural Practices and Interior Design, Mechanics of Structures, Irrigation Engineering, Transportation Engineering

Automobile Engineering Diploma Subject

Automobile component Design, Theory of Machines & Mechanisms, Automobile Air Conditioning, Automobile Manufacturing Processes, Automotive Electrical and Electronic Syaytems, Automobile Systems, Advanced Automobile Engines, CAD-CAM and Automation, Heat Power Engineering, Applied Math, Special Purpose Vehicles, Basic Electrical and Electronics, Hydraulics and Pnumatics, Mechantronics, Transport Management, Mechanical Engineering Drawing, Automobile Transmission Systems, Automibile Engines, Vehicle Testing, Vehicle Maintainence, Strength of Materials, Materials and Manufacturing Process, Vehicle aerodynamics and Design, Environmental Pollution and Control

Chemical Engineering Diploma Subject

Electrical Engineering and Electronics, Process Simulation, Sugar Technology, Stoichiometry, Technology of Inorganic Chemicals, Heat Transfer Operation, Chemical Reaction Engineering, Mechanical and Production Engineering/ Production Technology, Technology of Organic Chemicals, Mass Transfer Operation, Plant Utilities, Mechanical Operation, Chemical Engineering Drawing, Applied Mathematics, Chemical Instrumentaion and Process Control, Fluid Flow Operation, Industrial Chemistry, Bioprocess Engineering, Energy Management, Mechanical Technologies, Industrial Project and Entreprenureship Development, Plant Safety and Maintenance, Petrochemical Technology, Food Processing and Engineering, Environmental Technology

Type of class

Regular Classes, Crash Course

Class strength catered to

Group Classes, One on one/ Private Tutions

Taught in School or College


Electrical Engineering Diploma Subject

Renewable Energy Technology, Electrical And Electronics Engineering Material, Power System Operation And Maintenance, Basic Electronics, Instrumentation & Transducers, Electrical Engineering Drawing, Entrepreneurship Development, Transmission And Distribution Of Electrical Power, Micro Hydro Power, Power Stations, Power Electronics, Electrical Energy Audit And Conservation, Control System Components, Electric Circuit Theory, Electrical Installation, Civil Construction And Survey, Computer Aided Design, Principles Of Management And Costing, Electrical Machines, Electronic Devices And Logic Circuit, Electrical Repair And Maintenance, Electrical Design, Estimation And Costing, Electric Drives, Industrial Attachment, Switchgear And Protection, Utilization Of Electrical Energy, Electrical Measurements And Measuring Instruments

Teaching Experience in detail in Engineering Diploma Tuition

First Identify the abilities of the student in terms of Understanding, Remembering, Reproducing and time Management. Then I will plan accordingly based on strength and weakness of the students. At the end of the day excelling the strength of student is important.

BTech Tuition
4 Students

Class Location

Online Classes (Video Call via UrbanPro LIVE)

Student's Home

Tutor's Home

Years of Experience in BTech Tuition


BTech Mechanical subjects

Analysis and Design of Machine Components, Electro Magnetic Theory, Fluid Drives and Control, Composites: Mechanics & Processing, Machine Tool Technology, Product Design and Manufacturing, Refrigeration & Air Conditioning Systems, Heat Treatment of Metals and Alloys, Mechatronics Engineering, Intelligent Systems, Energy Engineering and Management, Electronic Mesurement & Instrumentation, Metrology, Mechanical Measurements and Instrumentation, Robotics: Mechanics Control and Programming, Modeling and simulation of Engineering Systems, Destructive & Non Destructive Testing/ Fracture Mechanics, Computer Integrated Manufacturing, Hydraulic and Pneumatic Control, Design Engineering, Kinematics of Machinery, Cryogenics, Mechanics of Machines, Dynamics of Machinery, Operations Research, Production and Operations Management, Steam & Gas Turbines, Tribology, Industrial Production/ Maintanence, Finite Element Analysis, Strength of Materials, Material Science and Metallurgy, CAD-CAM, Fluid Mechanics, Manufacturing Technology, Thermodynamics, Mechanical Behavior of Engineering Materials, Heat & Mass Transfer, Computational Fluid Dynamics, Machine Dynamics and Vibrations/ Acoustics, Turbomachines, Internal Combustion Engines and Emissions, Micro Machining, Engineering Drawing & Graphics, Automotive Fuels and Fuel Sysytems, Plant Layout and Material Handling, Automobile Engineering, Jet Propulsion and Rocket Technology, Machine Design, Micro-Electromagnetic Systems(MEMS) and Nano Technology, Engineering Acoustics, Environmental Pollution Control, Industrial Robotics, Elasticity & Plasticity, Welding Technology

BTech Electrical & Electronics subjects

Circuit Theory, Electrical Machinery, Electronic Measurements And Instrumentation, Control Systems, Electric Drives, Electrical Circuit Analysis, Linear And Nonlinear Systems, Electromagnetic Theory

BTech Biotechnology subjects

Nanoscience, Stoichiometry And Fluid Mechanics, Total Quality Management For Biotechnologists, Biophysics, Heat & Mass Transfer

BTech Information Science subjects

Computer Graphics and Animation

BTech Metallurgical & Materials subjects

Composite Materials, Powder Metallurgy & Joining of Metal, Process Engineering, Phase Diagram, Mechanics of Materials, Machine Design, Physical Metallurgy, Heat Treatment, Mechanical Testing, Welding Technology, Metallurgical Thermodynamics

BTech Automobile subjects

Thermodynamics, Strength Of Materials, Materials Science And Metallurgy, Statistical Quality Control & Reliability, Engineering Mechanics, Mechanics Of Machines, Measurement And Metrology & Instrumentation, Computer Integrated Modelling And Manufacturing, Fluid Mechanics And Machinery, Robotics, Theory Of Machines, Composite Materials And Mechanics, Design Of Machine Elements, Total Quality Management, Computational Fluid Dynamics, Electronics And Microprocessors

BTech Chemical subjects

Mass Transfer, Mechanical Operations, Thermodynamics

BTech Civil subjects

Fluid Mechanics, Structural Analysis, Strength & Mechanics Of Materials, Analysis Of Indeterminate Structures

BTech Electrical & Communication

Nanoscience & Technology, Logic Design

BTech Aeronautical Subjects

Fluid Dynamics, Fluid Mechanics, Applied Mechatronics, Performance Of Gas Turbine, Propulsion, Finite Element Method, Thermodynamics, Vibration And Structural Dynamics

BTech Computer Science subjects

Computer Graphics and Multimedia

BTech Branch

Industrial Engineering, BTech Information Science Engineering, BTech Electrical & Electronics, BTech Computer Science Engineering, BTech Instrumentation Engineering, BTech Civil Engineering, BTech Electrical & Communication Engineering, BTech Automobile Engineering, Telecom Engineering, BTech 1st Year Engineering, BTech Biotechnology Engineering, BTech Chemical Engineering, BTech Metallurgical & Materials Engineering, BTech Mechanical Engineering, Other Engineering topics, BTech Aeronautical Engineering, BTech Mechantronics Engineering

Experience in School or College


BTech Instrumentation subjects

Robotics Systems & Control, Control System Components and Design

Type of class

Regular Classes, Crash Course

Class strength catered to

Group Classes, One on one/ Private Tutions

BTech Mechantronics subjects

Mechatronic Systems Design, Digital Signal Processing, Measurements and Instrumentation, Engineering Thermodynamics and Heat Transfer, Mechanics of Robotic Systems, Hydraulic and Pneumatic Systems, Automobile Engineering, Robot Dynamics and Control, Production and Operations Management, Mechanical Vibrations, Materials Science and Engineering, Strength of Materials, Design of Machine Elements, Nanotechnology, Programmable Logic Controller, Theory of Machines, Manufacturing Technology, Robotic Path Planning

Taught in School or College


BTech 1st Year subjects

Mechanics Of Solids, Basic Electronics, Basic Mechanical Engineering, Engineering Chemistry, Engineering Mathematics (M1), Basic Electrical Technology, Engineering Graphics, Engineering Physics, Advanced Mathematics (M2)

Teaching Experience in detail in BTech Tuition

I love teaching and I started teaching in 2001.I prefer to teach the students practically.

MTech Tuition
1 Student

Class Location

Online Classes (Video Call via UrbanPro LIVE)

Student's Home

Tutor's Home

Years of Experience in MTech Tuition



Civil Engineering, Other Engineering topics, Mechanical Engineering

Taught in School or College


BCom Tuition

Class Location

Online Classes (Video Call via UrbanPro LIVE)

Student's Home

Tutor's Home

Years of Experience in BCom Tuition


BCom Subject

Banking and Insurance, Corporate Accounting, Business Communication, Banking Technology and Management, E-Business Accounting, Accounting Information Systems, Business Mathematics and Statistics

Type of class

Regular Classes, Crash Course

Class strength catered to

Group Classes, One on one/ Private Tutions

Taught in School or College


5 out of 5 2 reviews

Pragathi Kumar https://p.urbanpro.com/tv-prod/member/photo/1333570-small.jpg Bolarum
Pragathi Kumar

Engineering Diploma Tuition

"I am lucky to have a great faculty. He taught me how to learn the subject because of which I am able to learn remaining subjects easily. "

Pragathi Kumar

BSc Tuition

"Excellent teaching skills, sir know how to convey subject to students, in an less span of time very good at his subject. Highly recommended. "

Have you attended any class with Pragathi ?

Answers by Pragathi Kumar (6)

Answered on 04/08/2020 Learn Exam Coaching/Foreign Education Exam Coaching/IELTS Coaching

6; but above 8 is a good score.
Answers 137 Comments
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Answered on 09/09/2016 Learn Tuition/Class XI-XII Tuition (PUC)

skype/google hangout/go meeting
Answers 55 Comments
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Answered on 09/09/2016 Learn Tuition/BCom Tuition +1 Tuition/BCom Tuition/Cost Accounting

you should learn basics and logical solving
Answers 40 Comments
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Answered on 17/07/2016 Learn Tuition/Class IX-X Tuition

United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
Answers 437 Comments
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Pragathi Kumar describes himself as Expert in teaching. He conducts classes in BCom Tuition, BTech Tuition and Class 10 Tuition. Pragathi is located in Bolarum, Hyderabad. Pragathi takes at students Home, Regular Classes- at his Home and Online Classes- via online medium. He has 20 years of teaching experience . Pragathi has completed Bachelor of Technology (B.Tech.) from JNTUH in 2001 and Master of Engineering - Master of Technology (M.E./M.Tech.) from JNTUH in 2013. HeĀ is well versed in Telugu, Hindi and English. Pragathi has got 2 reviews till now with 100% positive feedback.


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