To crack a competitive examination is never simple as million and million of individuals are focusing on the same. In case you’re intending to crack an examination that will change your career then, you have to reinforce your memory power. To lift up your memory power high you must understand that our central part of our nervous system, the human brain is considered as the most complex living structure that ever exists in this universe.This masterpiece of our nervous system is in charge of all the memory related programs (procedure of encoding, storing, recovering data/information etc).
As per the various researcher, the capacity limit of the human mind is essentially boundless. Nonetheless, the capacity and handling power of memory is unique and it's different from individual to individual rely upon the internal and external variables. As there are various factors that can influence memory control, beneath are the points on how to improve your memory power.
Healthy Eating: When we say good food, it's not about eating meat or exceptionally costly sustenance. It's about taking the correct sort of nourishment that will help keep up your body organs. It is true that, healthy eating has dependably been an important factor of life as the food we eat plays a crucial role in your memory function. As per the researcher, fresh vegetables are very much helpful as it maintains the overall health of our brain. Among all the food, Olive oil, Turmeric, Eggs, Coconut oil, Walnuts and much more are considered as healthy food.
Cheerful Persona: Have you ever heard this phrase “Don’t take life too seriously”. This phrase is sometimes turn out to be so powerful because when we take our life too seriously, sadness, stress, distrust etc turn into our dear companion and botch it up on our mind. It simply means, happiness, fun, playful, joyful etc are slowly disappearing from our life, which leads towards depression and much more at the end. Instead, laugh a while and be the cheerful persona, keeping in mind the end goal to make your brain healthy and memory level up.
Proper Sleep: Our human body is made out of various organs where each organ should function in order to live a healthy lifestyle. On the other hand, a person require a proper rest to helps the brain to work appropriately. Scientifically, adequate sleep can also make you feel overall better as it improves brain function and upgrades memory or focus level along with creativity and productivity. Simply, we need to get 7 to 8 hours of sleep every day in order to function our brain effectively.
Meditation: Meditation has always been one of the most effective exercises for our body. When it comes to brain and memory, at least 15 to 30 minutes meditation each day immensely help fortify the power of the brain and your memory. Meditation not only help lessens anxiety and stress level, rather enhances the overall mental health, which increases the practical/ rational level. Scientifically, meditation help in healthier synchronization of brain and scale up the brain hemispheres. Additionally, it increases the overall brain power, memory and IQ level.
No Multitasking: Almost all the people believe that being able to multitask is a good quality and gripping charisma of a person. But when it comes to brain and its memory power, multitasking has its own cons side. Scientifically, multitasking has a tendency to slow down your brain and increases the level of distraction, which frequently leads towards forgetful. Therefore, stop yourself from multitasking and focus your attention on one task at the time and maintain organize as unorganized things help in distraction.