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What is ashtanga yoga?

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IT Professional come Yoga trainer, certified from YCB, Ayush Mantralaya

Astang Yoga has 8 limbs, Yam, Niyam, Asana, Pranayam, Pratayahara, dharna, Dhayana, samadhi, so it starts with purification of body and leads to samadhi(meditation)

You learn when you are comfortable.

Yoga which requires the involvement of 8 limbs is ashtanga yoga.

Yoga professional 10+ years experience

Basically astang yoga is given by maharishi patanjali in Sadhana pad of patanjali yog sutra there are 8 limbs of it , which are following: Yama( Social ethics), Nigama(Self Moral), Asanas (postures), Pranayama (breath and prana Awareness), Pratyahara(Senses Moving Inward), Dharana ( Object Focus), Dhayana...
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Basically astang yoga is given by maharishi patanjali in Sadhana pad of patanjali yog sutra there are 8 limbs of it , which are following: Yama( Social ethics), Nigama(Self Moral), Asanas (postures), Pranayama (breath and prana Awareness), Pratyahara(Senses Moving Inward), Dharana ( Object Focus), Dhayana (One Pointed Focus), Samadhi ( Self Achievement) 

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Yoga tutor at home teaching since 20years

Asthanga yoga is a dynamic and flowing style that connect body movements with breath.Asthanga yoga gives importance of daily practice.There are eight limbs in Asthanga yoga.The importance given principles for practice 1.Breath 2.Bandhas 3 Dhristi 4.Vinyasa 5.Daily practice.
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       Asthanga yoga is a dynamic and flowing style that connect  body movements with breath.Asthanga yoga gives importance of daily practice.There are eight limbs in Asthanga yoga.The importance given principles for practice

1.Breath 2.Bandhas 3 Dhristi 4.Vinyasa 5.Daily practice.

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