- Spread a yoga mat and stand with your feet hip distance apart
- Bend to come on your fours (legs and hands), like forming a table with your tailbone taking an inverted V-shape
- Distribute your entire pressure on your hands & feet and balance well
- Inhale & exhale and focus on your breathing and hold on the yoga pose for 60 -- 120 seconds
- Slowly return to your table top posture and relax

- Kneel on a yoga mat and slowly rest your hips on your feet
- Bend your upper body and lean towards the floor
- Place your chest in between your thighs and rest your forehead on the ground
- Relax your hands and let it lay on the floor freely
- Breathe gently and continue the process for 2 to 3 minutes at one sitting

- Lie your back on a yoga mat and rest your head on a pillow or a cushion
- Bend your knees and place your feet flat on the floor
- Let your arms spread on both the sides
- Let your left leg be on the floor and bring right leg near to your chest, spread your right arm at shoulder-height and place your palm facing the ground
- Hold this posture for 1 to 2 min and release slowly
- Now bring your left leg near to your chest and let the right leg rest on the ground
- Spread your left arm at shoulder-height and place your palm facing the floor
- Inhale whenever you bring left or right leg near your chest
- Exhale slowly whenever you change the shift the leg
- Continue each sequence for 2 minute each

- Kneel on the yoga mat
- Stretch out your right leg and bend your left knee
- Place your hands on the floor for maintaining balance
- Bend your back leg so that your foot is facing the ceiling
- Now draw both the hands to hold the toes of the right leg and your face almost touches your right foot
- Slowly inhale & exhale and stay in the position for 2 or more minutes
- Repeat the position in sequence for both the sides

- Stand on your yoga mat and spread your legs keeping a distance of 3 to 4 ft.
- Ensure that you are keeping a right balance
- Shift your right foot at 90 degree angle and left foot about 15 degree
- Spread your arms at your shoulder height
- Slowly bend your right arm to touch the right feet and stretch your left arm out facing the sky
- Don’t forget to inhale slowly and deeply while you are bending to touch your feet
- Repeat this process for both the sides and hold for 2 to 3 minutes for each side