Yoga Therapies for Asthma
If you decide to try yoga therapies for curing asthma, you get a step closer to free the pranic energy which has been blocked. A range of yogic asana can be tried out to help recover from asthma.Asanas
In case your joints are stiff, you can try practising pavan muktasana. Some of the other asanaa including Hastottanasana, Dwi-konasana, Marjari asana, Makarasana, Gomukhasana, Sarvangasana and Matsyasana can be tried in the initial stages. All of these asanas help the arrangement of lungs and breathing track to come in order. Spinal cord and muscles too are strengthened if the asanas are practised. The blocked flow of electric current in the nervous system too opens up when these asanas are practised. Trying these asanas will help you recover from asthma quickly and effectively.Surya Namaskar
Worshipping the Sun God is considered auspicious in Hindu culture and those suffering from asthma can try using Surya Namaskar as a therapy to get rid of asthma. Whenever you decide to practise Surya Namaskar, you need to practice slowly and be conscious while breathing. The practise of Surya Namaskar though less frequent in the initial stage can be increased in count with time. You can also perform Pragya Yog along with Surya Namaskar to increase the benefits.Pranayam Kriya
Those suffering from asthma can perform Nadi shodhan pranayam kriya as control over inhalation and exhalation increases when one performs the same. Bhastrika Pranayam Kriya can also be performed as this help increase the strength level of lungs and helps one recover from asthma.