Articles are words that signal the coming of a Noun.
They are categorised as:
Indefinite (a, an), and Definite (the)
'a' is used before consonant sounds.
'an' is used before vowel sounds**
(**, please note the words vowel sounds is not the same as the vowels a, e, i, o, u..... These are vowels, and their sounds are not always the same. To understand the sounds of vowels, refer online resources or get the help of a phonics instructor. )
'the' particularises nouns.
Although students do a lot of exercises pertaining to Articles all through school, there is an element of confusion while using Articles, whether to use them or not.....
Use a/an to complete the following :
1) ..........American. 2).........European
3) 4)........... useful book
Exercise 2
Insert Articles wherever necessary.
1) ..........milk is white. ............ cat drank up all ........ milk.
2) We have........ meeting tomorrow. At ......... meeting, we will be discussing new projects of ...... company.
3) I met ........ American,........ Indian and ......... European at the Trade Fair yesterday.
4)......... gold is..... ... valuable metal.
5)....... Ganges owe through........ Himalayas.