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Spoken English for Kids
Introducing children to a new language is a challenge. It becomes tougher when the language to learn has no similarity with the child’s mother tongue. Hence, teaching English to children is time-consuming and needs extra effort from parents end.
In case, your child is adapted to basics of English, then from parents end, the concern is to guide children and ensure they use correct English in everyday life.
Considering the role of English as a language, it is no more an option for children. The universal acceptance and worldwide use of English make it a must for all children to learn.
Alike any other learning process, if English is introduced to a child at the right age using correct methods of teaching, children can learn it faster and in an improved way.
So, as a parent, if you are worried how to guide your child in learning English, then here are quick methods that you can follow. These will easy your method of teaching and also make English interesting as a language for your child:
Thinking in English
As beginners of learning English, it is usual that your children will think in their own language of comfort and then translate it to English. Do not encourage this practice at all. Encourage your child to imagine or think in English such that their delivery in English language is well framed and perfect.
Making use of daily life subject
It is better if parents take ample initiative and help their child get comfortable with English. As parents spend more time with children, they can simply take real instances and explain. For example, give your child a simple work like ‘get your blue pants’ and show them the same. This will help them to understand the color ‘blue’ easily.
Introducing with poems and music
Let’s break the stereotype of beginning with A B C. How about playing some music and poems? With internet reaching all parts of the world, simply reach the right music websites and play the ones aimed at children. This will make learning English a joyful experience for your child. Some actions along the poems and music will make the sessions interactive.
Initial topics of English
When starting to learn English, you should not miss on the basics. List topics like flowers, fruits, body parts, numbers, seasons, months, days in a week and so on. Proceed from one to another gradually such that your child gets enough time to learn and spend time with English language.
Getting a mentor
As a parent, if you are not confident in English or lack time on hand to spend with your child – how about bringing in a mentor who can guide your child to learn English? The teacher must have good knowledge of English and also know, how to deal children making the classes interesting for them.
Communicating in English
Often parents expect children to learn English though they themselves do not use the language in daily life. Learning English is not a miracle and parents must ensure that when their children are trying to learn the language, in their surrounding enough resources and communication in English is available, that children can look up to. If in the surrounding there is preference to local language usage and yet expect children to master English tomorrow, then that’s a wrong take from parents end. Parents must try using English as much as possible, such that children can learn from the same.
Games and activities
One smart way of teaching English to children is – in the form of games. Games like Scrabble or Word Quiz helps children to improve their English vocabulary. How about gathering children who are at the same stage of learning English and conducting some good games. This will make English learning fun time for the children and parents can also be rest assured that their children are learning English in healthy method.
Focus on grammar
Do not end the dedication of teaching English to your child once they speak one or two words. Keep an observation on your child’s English learning till you are sure about their vocabulary and grammar. Your child should use healthy English along with right grammar in order to participate in English conversations, debates and more. on 2017-06-06 15:19:04 by academics. Last Modified on 2017-06-06 15:19:04
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