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Mammals in Spanish

Priyanka Bajaj
27/03/2019 0 0

Mammals in Spanish

Mammals - Mamíferos
Baboon Mandril
Bat Murciélago
Bear Oso
Beaver Castor
Buffalo Búfalo
Bull Toro
Camel Camello
Caribou Caribú
Cat Gato
Cheetah Chita
Chimpanzee Chimpancé
Monkey Mono
Cow Vaca
Deer Venado
Dog Perro
Elephant Elefante
Fox Zorro
Giraffe Jirafa
Goat Cabra
Gorilla Gorila
Hippopotamus Hipopótamo
Horse Caballo
Hyena Hiena
Kangaroo Canguro
Koala Koala
Leopard Leopardo
Lion León
Lynx Lince
Monkey Mono
Moose Alce
Mouse Ratón
Otter Nutria
Ox Buey
Panda Panda
Pig Cerdo
Porcupine Puercoespín
Rabbit Conejo
Rat Rata
Rhinoceros Rinoceronte
Sheep Oveja
Skunk Mofeta / Zorrillo
Sloth Oso perezoso
Squirrel Ardilla
Tiger Tigre
Wolf Lobo
Zebra Cebra
Sea Mammals - Mamíferos del Mar
Whale Bellena
Dolphin Delfín
Manatee Manatí
Orca / Killer Whale Orca
Porpoise Marsopa
Sealion Otaria
Seal Foca
Walrus Morsa
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