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I am learning Spanish lang. I can't speak fluent & I have lack of words what I have to do for improve my Spanish please suggest me.

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French And Spanish Trainer

Try to learn vocabulary by writing various sentences and speaking.

You can increase your vocab by reading texts in Spanish, listening songs or movies .

Native Spanish Teacher

If your target is only the spoken language, then I would suggest to contact a Spanish speaker ( native or non-native with a good command of the language) and practise the sounds, the pronounciation. Only then you can learn vocabulary/words and feel that you are improving.

Spanish Trainer || 6 Yrs Exp.

Keep on learning vocabularies.

Spanish Tutor

You need to communicate and read the Spanish stories or novels to improve.

First learn words which is useful for day to day life. Then join the words and spell it 2-join words then improve from that to 3,4,5. If it is wrong also if you join the words and speak and see only can rectify words. Then join 2 words or three words and write a conversation and read it and correct your...
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First learn words which is useful for day to day life. Then join the words and spell it 2-join words then improve from that to 3,4,5. If it is wrong also if you join the words and speak and see only can rectify words. Then join 2 words or three words and write a conversation and read it and correct your errors. read less

Spanish Trainer with more than 10 years of experience

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Hi Putul, There is no shortcut to learn a language. It's a combination of grammar and vocabulary. If you are good at Spanish grammar, you need to work on your vocabulary. Read texts and listen to audio files related in order to practice and use your knowledge.Listening to easy audio gives you lot of...
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Hi Putul, There is no shortcut to learn a language. It's a combination of grammar and vocabulary. If you are good at Spanish grammar, you need to work on your vocabulary. Read texts and listen to audio files related in order to practice and use your knowledge.Listening to easy audio gives you lot of confidence in order to start speaking. If you have textbooks (based on CEFR are recommended), listen to the audio files, make friends who live in Spanish speaking countries, change language settings of your mobile, e-mail, Facebook and other accounts, join forums of Spanish speakers. Listen to songs with transcription in YouTube, type Canciones con Letras) and find such songs. Don't be lazy in checking meanings of new words in a text, but do this in the second reading, if possible. First reading should be without consulting a dictionary. Never use Google translation. If you know conjugation of a verb, understanding or making a sentence is very easy. Initially it may be boring for you but gradually you would see the difference in your vocabulary. We hope this helps. read less


Hi, First learn vocabulary.

Spanish Tutor

So, normally you need to read some articles and watch movies and when you get to learn some new words, practice it as much as you can, and the important thing while you speak don't be impatient, try to speak slow take your time and keep the conversation very easy and simple.

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