A lot of Spanish words are very similar to English (called cognates). You can read about them in another lesson I have here - about developing an instant vocabulary.
However, be careful of false cognates. Here are seven commonly used false cognates to watch for:
1. Actualmente: does not mean 'actually'. It means 'nowadays'. Actually is 'en Realidad'.
2. Contestar: does not mean to 'contest'. It means to 'answer'. To contest is 'impugnar.'
3. Constipado: does not mean to be 'constipated'. It means to have a cold. Constipated is 'extreñido'.
4. Embarazada: does not mean 'embarrassing'. It means being 'pregnant'. Embarrassing is 'avergonzado'.
5. En absoluto: does not mean 'absolutely'. It means 'not at all'. Absolutely is 'absolutamente'.
6. Minorista: does not mean 'minority'. It means 'retailer' (noun) or retail (adjective). Minority is 'minoría'.
7. Tuna: is not 'tuna fish', it is 'a fruit from the cactus'. Tuna is 'atún'.
Go on, have fun now!