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It is very important to decide when to give the SAT exam. The timing is important as giving SAT exam is only the first step to study abroad. Hence, the SAT dates should be planned based on following criteria:
Most students take the SAT during their final years of high school. At least half of all students take the SAT twice. For the SAT Subject Tests, most students take them as soon as they complete the course in school, example History, Biology, Languages. For international students, it is recommended to take the exam two years before joining the university. If you are one year away from when you expect to enter university, make sure to register for the SAT no later than the November before you plan to start your studies. It is also recommended to study for a minimum of 3 months before appearing for SAT exam.
The overview of SAT and SAT subjects test dates for 2014-2015 can be found here on 2014-08-11 14:27:01 by Deepti Sarma. Last Modified on 2014-08-11 14:27:01
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