Robots are highly desirable to perform specific tasks because, unlike humans,
- They don’t feel any pain or mental pressure.
- They don’t get physically tired.
- They can be made to work in situations which are unbearable or even highly dangerous
- They do not get bored even while repeating the same task.
- They cannot be distracted while performing a task.
- Teaching them about the basics and applications of robotics.
- Telling them about the generic construction of a robot prototype.
- Teaching them to build confidence to experiment with machines.
- Teaching the major concepts of physics like force, speed, motion etc.
- Developing problem solving and logical skills in them.
- Making them familiar with all major constructional components used like motors, light sensors, wheels, gears, axles and several other parts.
- Giving them an introduction to programming skills using visual programming interface.
- Developing multitasking skills in them.
- Teaching them about how to build a basic remote controlled robot every day.
- Medical
- Defence
- Manufacturing
- Automobile
- Agriculture
- Aerospace