Personality is a personal perspective. Two people rarely will have similar kind of personality. All of us have to accept this as a blessing and try to make the best of the way we have developed. Before you start working on developing your personality it is important to analyze or discover your personality traits. Don’t know how can you do that? This is fairly simple.
Are you an Introvert or Extrovert?
This could be the first step for discovering your personality. If you are shy kind of person who finds it great to be with himself or herself and feels pleasure in solving critical situations by taking help only from your trusted friends, you might belong to the introvert category. It is great to be an introvert and such people are appreciated particularly in literary circles as they develop into critical thinkers.The extrovert lot on the other hand love to take things in their hands and rise up to the challenge. No task is difficult for them and they boast of this fact proudly. The extrovert lot can become good public speakers, leaders and social reformers.
As you analyze this side of your personality, you would be in a better position to decide what exactly you need to develop in your personality.Identify if you are Task or Relationship Oriented Person
This is another essential in discovering your personality. Identify if you belong to the task oriented category or fall in the relationship oriented bracket. A task oriented person loves to dress formally, have a rigid body posture, displays guarded emotions and takes fact based decision. In case you have any of these features, you ideally belong to the task oriented category. On the other hand if you belong to the relationship oriented category, you will dress informally, have a relaxed body posture, share emotions more freely and somehow take decisions from the heart.Discovering your Social Style
A person’s social style too goes a long way in determining the personality traits of an individual. Generally four kinds of social styles are known to exist:- Melancholy
- Choleric
- Phlegmatic
- Sanguine